Causas y complicaciones de histerectomía abdominal y vaginal : Hospital Gineco-Obstétrico Enrique C. Sotomayor 2010
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Graduados
La histerectomía es una de las cirugías ginecológicas electivas más comunes, 65% se efectúan en el grupo de edad reproductiva, alrededor del 30% en mujeres peri menopáusicas y el resto en mayores de 65 años. La indicación más frecuente a través de la vía abdominal es la leiomiomatosis, mientras que por vía vaginal lo es el prolapso uterino. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar el total de histerectomías abdominales y por vía vaginal, causas y complicaciones en el Hospital Gineco-Obstétrico Enrique C. Sotomayor, durante el año 2010. Mediante un estudio de tipo descriptivo, correlacional; de diseño no experimental, longitudinal y retrospectivo. Donde se analizaron 412 historias clínicas, obtenidas al azar; de todas la histerectomías que tuvieron como indicación una patología benigna. Los resultados obtenidos presentaron, una edad media de 46.5 años. La causa más frecuente para realizar histerectomía, es el útero miomatoso, en un 70.38%; el abordaje quirúrgico fue realizado por vía abdominal en un 84.46%. Entre las complicaciones más significativas: infección del sitio quirúrgico, 2.91%; absceso del muñón vaginal 0.24%; infección de vías urinarias 2.48%; reingreso hospitalario del 1.69%, necesitando transfusión sanguínea el 0.24% de las pacientes estudiadas. Con los datos evaluados se espera mejorar los protocolos y procedimientos quirúrgicos que implican a la histerectomía, para tener una mejor calidad de atención en esta importante Institución de Salud.
Hysterectomy is one of the most common elective gynaecological surgeries, 65% are carried out in the Group of reproductive age, around 30% in women peri menopausal and the rest at age 65 or over. The most frequent indication through abdominal Canal is leiomiomatosis, while is uterine prolapse vaginal. This study aims to evaluate the total abdominal hysterectomies and vagina, causes and complications in Hospital GinecoObstétrico Henry C. Sotomayor, during the year 2010. Through a study of descriptive, correlational type; design not experimental, longitudinal and retrospective. Were analysed where 412 medical histories obtained randomly; of all the hysterectomies that took as an indication a benign disease. The results presented, an average age of 46.5 years. The most common cause for hysterectomy, is the uterus miomatoso in a 70.38%; the surgical approach was carried out by abdominal path in a 84.46%. Among the more significant complications: infection of the surgical site, 2.91%; abscess of the vaginal stump 0.24%; infection of urinary tract 2.48 per cent; readmission of the 1.69%, requiring blood transfusion the 0.24% of the patients studied. With the evaluated data is expected to improve protocols and surgical procedures that involve the hysterectomy, to have a better quality of care in this important health institution.
Hysterectomy is one of the most common elective gynaecological surgeries, 65% are carried out in the Group of reproductive age, around 30% in women peri menopausal and the rest at age 65 or over. The most frequent indication through abdominal Canal is leiomiomatosis, while is uterine prolapse vaginal. This study aims to evaluate the total abdominal hysterectomies and vagina, causes and complications in Hospital GinecoObstétrico Henry C. Sotomayor, during the year 2010. Through a study of descriptive, correlational type; design not experimental, longitudinal and retrospective. Were analysed where 412 medical histories obtained randomly; of all the hysterectomies that took as an indication a benign disease. The results presented, an average age of 46.5 years. The most common cause for hysterectomy, is the uterus miomatoso in a 70.38%; the surgical approach was carried out by abdominal path in a 84.46%. Among the more significant complications: infection of the surgical site, 2.91%; abscess of the vaginal stump 0.24%; infection of urinary tract 2.48 per cent; readmission of the 1.69%, requiring blood transfusion the 0.24% of the patients studied. With the evaluated data is expected to improve protocols and surgical procedures that involve the hysterectomy, to have a better quality of care in this important health institution.
Palabras clave
Histerectomía abdominal, Histerectomía vaginal, Complicaciones quirúrgicas, Epidemiología descriptiva, Estudios retrospectivos, Hospital Gineco-Obstétrico Enrique C. Sotomayor, Cantón Guayaquil, Ecuador