Impacto del índice de masa corporal materno sobre la resultante obstétrica y neonatal en el Hospital GinecoObstétrico Enrique C. Sotomayor, 2010
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Graduados
La obesidad y el sobrepeso son estados nutricionales que afectan cada día en mayor proporción a la población femenina, este contexto materno antes y durante la gestación, es un determinante fundamental para el crecimiento fetal y el peso del recién nacido, habiéndose establecido su relación con la presentación de complicaciones prenatales, durante el parto y postparto. En este trabajo se evaluará el efecto del Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC) de mujeres embarazadas sobre la resultante materna y neonatal por medio de un estudio de tipo descriptivo y correlacional, y de diseño no experimental y transversal, en pacientes embarazadas, del área Tocoquirúrgica del Hospital Ginecoobstétrico “Enrique C. Sotomayor” en el período comprendido desde 1 de enero del 2010 hasta diciembre 31 del 2010 que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión establecidos. De Un total de 481 pacientes revisadas, el grupo etáreo más frecuente fue el de 19 -24 años con un 37%. Del total de casos 79,4 % (382 pacientes ) pertenecieron al sobrepeso y la obesidad. El parto por cesárea tuvo una mayor frecuencia en las mujeres con obesidad (79 %) descendiendo de manera directamente proporcional al IMC llegando a constituir el 45 % en el grupo de IMC normal. Existieron 32 productos de la concepción grandes para la edad gestacional de los cuales 24 ( 75% ) correspondieron a madres sobrepeso y obesas. De los 11 neontatos con menos de 35 semanas de gestación 8 correspondieron a madres con IMC normal. La puntuación Apgar menor de 6 se dió en mayor proporción en neonatos provenientes de madres con sobrepeso en un 43 % de los casos. Un 43 % de los neonatos que requirieron TIN y un 60 % de los fallecidos provinieron de madres con IMC normal.
Obesity and overweight are affecting nutritional status every day a greater proportion of the female population, this context mothers before and during pregnancy, is a key determinant for fetal growth and birth weight, having established its relationship with the presentation of prenatal complications, childbirth and postpartum. In this paper we evaluate the effect of Body Mass Index (BMI) of pregnant women on maternal and newborn resulting from a study using descriptive and correlational, and experimental design does not cross in pregnant patients, the area Tocoquirúrgica Hospital Gynecoobstetric "Enrique C. Sotomayor "in the period from January 1, 2010 to December December 31, 2010 meeting the inclusion criteria. A total of 481 patients entered the study, the most frequent age was between 19 -24 years with 37%. Of the cases 79.4% (382 patients) belonged to overweight and obesity. Cesarean delivery was more frequent in obese women (79%) decline in direct proportion to BMI falls short of the 45% in the normal BMI group. There were 32 products of conception large for gestational age of which 24 (75%) were overweight and obese mothers. Of the 11 neontatos less than 35 weeks gestation 8 were to mothers with normal BMI. Apgar score less than 6 was given at a higher rate in infants from mothers who are overweight by 43% of cases. About 43% of infants who required TIN and 60% of deaths were from mothers with normal BMI
Obesity and overweight are affecting nutritional status every day a greater proportion of the female population, this context mothers before and during pregnancy, is a key determinant for fetal growth and birth weight, having established its relationship with the presentation of prenatal complications, childbirth and postpartum. In this paper we evaluate the effect of Body Mass Index (BMI) of pregnant women on maternal and newborn resulting from a study using descriptive and correlational, and experimental design does not cross in pregnant patients, the area Tocoquirúrgica Hospital Gynecoobstetric "Enrique C. Sotomayor "in the period from January 1, 2010 to December December 31, 2010 meeting the inclusion criteria. A total of 481 patients entered the study, the most frequent age was between 19 -24 years with 37%. Of the cases 79.4% (382 patients) belonged to overweight and obesity. Cesarean delivery was more frequent in obese women (79%) decline in direct proportion to BMI falls short of the 45% in the normal BMI group. There were 32 products of conception large for gestational age of which 24 (75%) were overweight and obese mothers. Of the 11 neontatos less than 35 weeks gestation 8 were to mothers with normal BMI. Apgar score less than 6 was given at a higher rate in infants from mothers who are overweight by 43% of cases. About 43% of infants who required TIN and 60% of deaths were from mothers with normal BMI
Palabras clave
Indice de masa corporalL, Resultante materno, Resultante neonatal, Epidemiología descriptiva, Hospital Gineco-Obstétrico Enrique C. Sotomayor, Cantón Guayaquil, Ecuador