Valoración nutricional de pacientes oncológicos que inican tratamiento quimioterápico, estudio a realzarse con el test de la valoración global subjetiva generada por el paciente (vgs-gp) en el Instituto Oncológico Nacional Dr. Juan Tanca Marengo, Guayaquil año 2009
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Graduados
El paciente oncológico tiene un riesgo elevado de desnutrición debido a la propia enfermedad y a los tratamientos aplicados. Está bien establecido, que la malnutrición se asocia a un incremento de las complicaciones, mayor mortalidad y escasa respuesta terapéutica en estos pacientes. Por ello es prioritario realizar una adecuada valoración del estado nutricional para diagnosticar o detectar pacientes en riesgo, con la finalidad de realizar recomendaciones o aplicar tratamientos nutricionales adecuados. Esta evaluación debe realizarse al diagnóstico de la enfermedad oncológica, de forma seriada, rutinaria y en distintos momentos de la evolución de la misma, con énfasis en aquellos pacientes que serán indicados para quimioterapia, por lo que debe ser sencilla de realizar, de bajo costo, reproductible, fiable y capaz de discriminar entre los pacientes con más riesgo de desnutrición. El test de la Valoración Global Subjetiva generada por el paciente (VGS-GP) es una prueba eficiente para la valoración del estado nutricional del paciente oncológico, reúne todas estas características. Por este motivo se realizó un estudio de tipo observacional, descriptivo, de diseño no experimental-transversal en el que usando esta herramienta se valoró a 66 pacientes indicados para quimioterapia en el Instituto Oncológico Nacional “Dr. Juan Tanca Marengo”. La información se reportó en frecuencias simples y porcentajes. Los resultados mostraron que con la VGS-GP se identificó un 55% de pacientes con alteraciones nutricionales por déficit mientras que con el IMC solo se detectó un 27%. La herramienta también permitió definir la intervención nutricional, así se indicó que se requería educación nutricional para el paciente y el familiar en el 14%, intervención nutricional en el23%, y tratamiento agresivo en el 33%.
The cancer patient has a high risk of malnutrition due to the illness itself and the treatments. It is well established that malnutrition is associated with increased complications, increased mortality and poor response to therapy in these patients. It is therefore a priority to make a proper assessment of nutritional status to diagnose or detect patients at risk, in order to make recommendations and implement appropriate nutritional treatments. This evaluation should be performed at diagnosis of cancer disease, serially, routine and at different times of the evolution of the same, with emphasis on those patients who are referred for chemotherapy, so it should be easy to perform, low cost , reproducible, reliable and able to discriminate between patients most at risk of malnutrition. The test of the Subjective Global Assessment generated by the patient (VGS-GP) is a good test for assessing the nutritional status of the cancer patient, has all these characteristics. For this reason a study was conducted an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional non-experimental design in which the tool was evaluated using 66 patients referred for chemotherapy in the ION-SOLCA. The information was reported in simple frequencies and percentages. The results showed that the VGS-GP was identified by 55% of patients with nutritional deficiency disorders with BMI while only 27% was detected. The tool also allowed the definition of nutritional intervention and indicated that nutrition education is needed for patients and family 14%, el23% nutritional intervention and aggressive treatment in 33%.
The cancer patient has a high risk of malnutrition due to the illness itself and the treatments. It is well established that malnutrition is associated with increased complications, increased mortality and poor response to therapy in these patients. It is therefore a priority to make a proper assessment of nutritional status to diagnose or detect patients at risk, in order to make recommendations and implement appropriate nutritional treatments. This evaluation should be performed at diagnosis of cancer disease, serially, routine and at different times of the evolution of the same, with emphasis on those patients who are referred for chemotherapy, so it should be easy to perform, low cost , reproducible, reliable and able to discriminate between patients most at risk of malnutrition. The test of the Subjective Global Assessment generated by the patient (VGS-GP) is a good test for assessing the nutritional status of the cancer patient, has all these characteristics. For this reason a study was conducted an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional non-experimental design in which the tool was evaluated using 66 patients referred for chemotherapy in the ION-SOLCA. The information was reported in simple frequencies and percentages. The results showed that the VGS-GP was identified by 55% of patients with nutritional deficiency disorders with BMI while only 27% was detected. The tool also allowed the definition of nutritional intervention and indicated that nutrition education is needed for patients and family 14%, el23% nutritional intervention and aggressive treatment in 33%.
Palabras clave
Valoración nutricional, Estado nutricional, Oncología médica, Test de la valoración global subjetiva, Epidemiología descriptiva, Hospital SOLCA de Guayaquil, Cantón Guayaquil, Ecuador, Quimioterapia