Utilidad de la tomografía computarizada multidetector en la caracterización de las lesiones hepáticas metastásicas : Instituto Oncológico Nacional Dr. Juan Tanca Marengo 2012 - 2013
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Graduados
Las metástasis hepáticas suponen la neoplasia maligna más frecuente en el parénquima hepático, superando en una proporción 18/1 a las neoplasias primarias, la caracterización de metástasis hepáticas en los pacientes oncológicos es fundamental, no sólo para realizar el estadiaje de la enfermedad sino también a la hora de tratarlas. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la Utilidad de la Tomografía Computarizada Multidetector (TCMD) en la caracterización de las lesiones hepáticas metastásicas. En cuanto a la metodología se revisaron 3812 historias clínicas de todos los pacientes que se realizaron Tomografía Computarizada de Abdomen en el Instituto Oncológico Nacional (ION) Dr. Juan Tanca Marengo en el periodo de Enero 2012 hasta Enero 2013 a quienes se les seleccionaron como criterios de inclusión quienes tuvieron diagnóstico de neoplasia primaria extrahepática con metastásis hepáticas. Este estudio fue de tipo descriptivo, observacional, retrospectivo y transversal, con diseño no experimental, tomando los datos de filiación y el diagnóstico radiológico de las películas de tomografía. En cuanto a los resultados los tumores primarios que predominantemente metastatizan al hígado fueron el cáncer de mama seguido por el cáncer gástrico en un porcentaje de 18,9% y 16,3% respectivamente; la edad donde predominaron las metástasis hepáticas fue entre 66 – 75 años con el 24,21%; el sexo femenino predominó al masculino con un porcentaje de 65,8%; en cuánto a las características imagenológicas, los nódulos fueron más frecuentes que las masas con un 60,5 %; las medidas de las lesiones que predominaron fueron entre 3 – 4 cm con un 35,26 %; las lesiones múltiples predominaron en el parénquima hepático con un 43,7 %; los bordes poco definidos son los que predominaron con un porcentaje de 43,7%; las lesiones hipodensas e hipovasculares predominaron con un 97,89 y 83,2% respectivamente; así mismo la necrosis intratumoral se presentó en un 16,32%, la presencia de hepatomegalia se dio en un 34,2 %; la hepatomegalia con lesiones múltiples predominó con un porcentaje de 78,4 %; y la localización anatómica de las metástasis hepáticas fue de predominio en toda la glándula con un 40,5 %.
Liver metastases represent the most common malignancy liver parenchyma, exceeding a ratio 18/1 to primary malignancies, characterization of liver metastases in cancer patients is essential , not only for staging disease but also to treat them when. The aim of the study was to evaluate the usefulness of Multidetector Computed Tomography (MDCT) in the characterization of metastatic liver lesions. In terms of methodology 3812 medical records of all patients CT scan of abdomen were performed at the National Cancer Institute (ION) Dr. Juan Tanca Marengo in the period from January 2012 to January 2013 were reviewed to whom they selected as criteria inclusion who had a diagnosis of extrahepatic primary malignancy with liver metastases. This study was descriptive, observational , retrospective and cross- rate, non-experimental design, taking the data of filiation and radiological diagnosis of tomography films. Regarding the results of primary tumors that metastasize to the liver were predominantly breast cancer followed by stomach cancer at a rate of 18.9% and 16, 3 % respectively; age where predominant liver metastases was between 66-75 years with the 24.21%; Females predominated male with a percentage of 65.8 %; in how the imaging characteristics, nodules were more frequent than the masses with 60.5 %; measures were predominant lesions between 3-4 cm with 35.26 %; multiple lesions in the liver parenchyma predominated with 43.7%; unsharp edges are predominant with a percentage of 43.7 %; the hypodense and hypovascular lesions predominated with 97.89 and 83.2 % respectively; likewise the intratumoral necrosis occurred in 16.32 %, the presence of hepatomegaly occurred in 34.2%; hepatomegaly with multiple injuries predominated with a percentage of 78.4 %, and the anatomical localization of liver metastases was predominant throughout the gland with 40.5% .
Liver metastases represent the most common malignancy liver parenchyma, exceeding a ratio 18/1 to primary malignancies, characterization of liver metastases in cancer patients is essential , not only for staging disease but also to treat them when. The aim of the study was to evaluate the usefulness of Multidetector Computed Tomography (MDCT) in the characterization of metastatic liver lesions. In terms of methodology 3812 medical records of all patients CT scan of abdomen were performed at the National Cancer Institute (ION) Dr. Juan Tanca Marengo in the period from January 2012 to January 2013 were reviewed to whom they selected as criteria inclusion who had a diagnosis of extrahepatic primary malignancy with liver metastases. This study was descriptive, observational , retrospective and cross- rate, non-experimental design, taking the data of filiation and radiological diagnosis of tomography films. Regarding the results of primary tumors that metastasize to the liver were predominantly breast cancer followed by stomach cancer at a rate of 18.9% and 16, 3 % respectively; age where predominant liver metastases was between 66-75 years with the 24.21%; Females predominated male with a percentage of 65.8 %; in how the imaging characteristics, nodules were more frequent than the masses with 60.5 %; measures were predominant lesions between 3-4 cm with 35.26 %; multiple lesions in the liver parenchyma predominated with 43.7%; unsharp edges are predominant with a percentage of 43.7 %; the hypodense and hypovascular lesions predominated with 97.89 and 83.2 % respectively; likewise the intratumoral necrosis occurred in 16.32 %, the presence of hepatomegaly occurred in 34.2%; hepatomegaly with multiple injuries predominated with a percentage of 78.4 %, and the anatomical localization of liver metastases was predominant throughout the gland with 40.5% .
Palabras clave
Metástasis hepáticas, Tomografía computarizada por rayos x, Neoplasias, Hospital SOLCA de Guayaquil, Cantón Guayaquil, Ecuador