Correlación radiológica y patológica de lesiones mamarias malignas categoria BIRADS 4 ION SOLCA Dr. Juan Tanca Marengo 2011 - 2012
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Graduados
El cáncer de mama es uno de los más frecuentes entre las mujeres del Ecuador, 30 de cada 100,000 personas son diagnosticadas con esta enfermedad cada año y casi la mitad de ellas en etapas avanzadas de la enfermedad, disminuyendo las posibilidades de curación y supervivencia. El objetivo establecer la correlación entre los hallazgos de tumores de mama mediante mamografía con resultado del sistema de categorización y lectura BI-RADS 4 y diagnóstico patológico. Estudio descriptivo, diseño no experimental, retrospectivo, realizado en el ION SOLCA Dr. Juan Tanca Marengo, 2011- 2012. Los resultados más sobresalientes fueron. Pacientes con bajos porcentajes de antecedentes familiares de cáncer, menarquía temprana y uso de terapia hormonal, contrario a lo reportado por otros estudios donde el uso de medicación hormonal se asocia con el cáncer de mama. El intervalo de edad de las pacientes con diagnóstico histopatológico maligno fue 26 - 87 años y en las patologías benignas 40 - 85 años. Las localizaciones más frecuentes fueron en el cuadrante superior externo (58,42%). En reporte BIRADS 4, no fue el esperado por el predominio de lesiones malignas (cáncer ductal infiltrante se presentó en la mayoría de los casos) y las lesiones benignas fueron mastopatía fibroquística no proliferativa y mastopatía fibroquística proliferativa. El porcentaje de malignidad de las lesiones BIRADS 4, es de 24 al 34%, en este estudio, fue del 66,34%, lo que significó mayor probabilidades de presentar malignas a pesar que la p > de 0,05 no significativa. La subdivisión de BIRADS 4, es una herramienta que facilita un mejor manejo clínico del paciente, por lo que es recomendable su utilización.
Breast cancer is one of the most common among women in Ecuador, 30 of every 100,000 people are diagnosed with this disease each year and nearly half of them in advanced stages of the disease, which decreases the chance of cure and survival. The objective is to establish the correlation between the findings of breast tumors by mammography system resulting categorization and reading BIRADS 4 and pathologic diagnosis of themselves. A retrospective non-experimental design, conducted at the ION Dr. Juan Tanca Marengo SOLCA, period January 2011-December 2012. The results were outstanding. Patients with low rates of family history of cancer, early menarche, and use of hormone therapy, contrary to what was reported by other studies where the use of hormonal medication is associated with breast cancer. The age range of patients with malignant histopathological diagnosis was 26-87 years and in benign pathologies 40-85 years. The most common sites were detected in the upper outer quadrant (58.42%). In reporting BIRADS 4 was not expected by the prevalence of malignant lesions (infiltrating ducal cancer was presented in most cases) and benign fibrocystic breast disease lesions were proliferative and non proliferative fibrocystic breast disease. The percentage of malignancy of lesions BIRADS 4 is 24 to 34%, in this study; it was 66.34%, which represents higher probabilities of presenting malignant despite the p> 0.05 no significant. Subdividing BIRADS 4 is a tool that facilitates improved clinical management of the patient, so it is advisable to use.
Breast cancer is one of the most common among women in Ecuador, 30 of every 100,000 people are diagnosed with this disease each year and nearly half of them in advanced stages of the disease, which decreases the chance of cure and survival. The objective is to establish the correlation between the findings of breast tumors by mammography system resulting categorization and reading BIRADS 4 and pathologic diagnosis of themselves. A retrospective non-experimental design, conducted at the ION Dr. Juan Tanca Marengo SOLCA, period January 2011-December 2012. The results were outstanding. Patients with low rates of family history of cancer, early menarche, and use of hormone therapy, contrary to what was reported by other studies where the use of hormonal medication is associated with breast cancer. The age range of patients with malignant histopathological diagnosis was 26-87 years and in benign pathologies 40-85 years. The most common sites were detected in the upper outer quadrant (58.42%). In reporting BIRADS 4 was not expected by the prevalence of malignant lesions (infiltrating ducal cancer was presented in most cases) and benign fibrocystic breast disease lesions were proliferative and non proliferative fibrocystic breast disease. The percentage of malignancy of lesions BIRADS 4 is 24 to 34%, in this study; it was 66.34%, which represents higher probabilities of presenting malignant despite the p> 0.05 no significant. Subdividing BIRADS 4 is a tool that facilitates improved clinical management of the patient, so it is advisable to use.
Palabras clave
Neoplasias de la mama, Biopsia, Mamografía, Factores de riesgo, Hospital SOLCA de Guayaquil, Cantón Guayaquil, Ecuador