Prevalencia de embarazos posterior a tratamiento laparoscópico en pacientes con endometriosis. Hospital Gineco-Obstétrico Enrique C. Sotomayor 2009 - 2011
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Graduados
El objetivo del presente estudio ha tenido como objetivo general demostrar la prevalencia de embarazos mediante el análisis de datos estadísticos de las historias clíncias de las pacientes operadas por Laparoscopía en el Hospital Gineco - Obstétrico Enrique C. Sotomayor para evitar la infertilidad en pacientes con Endometriosis, para lo cual se definieeron objetivos operativos donde se determinaron las características clínicas de las pacientes y las principales manifestaciones de esta patología, además se determinó la prevalencia de endometriosis, que fue clasificada posterior a la laparoscopía, junto a esto se estableció la frecuencia de embarazos post-laparoscopía para determinar un pronóstico en términos de fertilidad futura según grado de Endometriosis. La Metodología se ha realizado un estudio correlacional, descriptivo, retrospectivo, con un diseño no experimental con pacientes que se realizaron laparoscopia por infertilidad en el área de laparoscoía ginecológica en el periodo 2009 - 2011. Los Resultados entre los 26 - 35 años (51%) se encontró el grupo de mayor presencia, seguidas de aquellas mayores de 35 años (37%) la prevalencia de endometriosis en mujeres infértiles con manejo laparoscópico ha sido del 99% y ha presentado embarazos post - laparoscópica del 44%. En conclusión se ha podido establecer que en endometriosis estapa IV no se han producido embarazos, por lo cual se relaciona directamente con la infertilidad.
The objective of this study has had as a general objective to demonstrate the prevalence of pregnancies through the analysis of statistical data of the histories of patients operated by Laparoscopy at the Enrique C. Sotomayor Obstetric and Obstetrician Hospital to avoid infertility in patients with Endometriosis, for which operational objectives were defined where the clinical characteristics of the patients and the main manifestations of this pathology were determined, in addition the prevalence of endometriosis was determined, which was classified after the laparoscopy, next to this the frequency of post-pregnancy pregnancies was established -laparoscopy to determine a prognosis in terms of future fertility according to the degree of Endometriosis. The Methodology has been carried out a correlational, descriptive, retrospective study, with a non-experimental design with patients who underwent laparoscopy for infertility in the area of gynecological laparoscopy in the period 2009 - 2011. Results between 26 - 35 years (51% ) the group with the greatest presence was found, followed by those older than 35 years (37%), the prevalence of endometriosis in infertile women with laparoscopic management was 99% and it presented post - laparoscopic pregnancies of 44%. In conclusion, it has been possible to establish that in stage IV endometriosis no pregnancies have occurred, which is why it is directly related to infertility.
The objective of this study has had as a general objective to demonstrate the prevalence of pregnancies through the analysis of statistical data of the histories of patients operated by Laparoscopy at the Enrique C. Sotomayor Obstetric and Obstetrician Hospital to avoid infertility in patients with Endometriosis, for which operational objectives were defined where the clinical characteristics of the patients and the main manifestations of this pathology were determined, in addition the prevalence of endometriosis was determined, which was classified after the laparoscopy, next to this the frequency of post-pregnancy pregnancies was established -laparoscopy to determine a prognosis in terms of future fertility according to the degree of Endometriosis. The Methodology has been carried out a correlational, descriptive, retrospective study, with a non-experimental design with patients who underwent laparoscopy for infertility in the area of gynecological laparoscopy in the period 2009 - 2011. Results between 26 - 35 years (51% ) the group with the greatest presence was found, followed by those older than 35 years (37%), the prevalence of endometriosis in infertile women with laparoscopic management was 99% and it presented post - laparoscopic pregnancies of 44%. In conclusion, it has been possible to establish that in stage IV endometriosis no pregnancies have occurred, which is why it is directly related to infertility.
Palabras clave
Infertilidad, Endometriosis, Prevalencia, Embarazo, Hospital Gineco-Obstétrico Enrique C. Sotomayor, Cantón Guayaquil, Ecuador, Laparoscopía