Incidencia de infertilidad en el Hospital Gineco-Obstétrico Enrique C. Sotomayor, 2011-2012
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Graduados
La infertilidad es un problema que afecta generalmente a una de cada 7 parejas, siendo la falta de embarazo luego de 12 meses de relaciones sexuales regulares sin protección anticonceptiva, puede ser causada por problemas físicos, hormonales, por el estilo de vida o factores ambientales, tiende a ser diferentes en cada país. Los estudios de poblaciones sobre este tema varían según el área estudiada. Por este motivo en la población atendida en el hospital “Enrique C. Sotomayor”, se realizó un estudio de tipo retrospectivo y correlacional, ya que resulta importante conocer la incidencia de infertilidad para establecer las necesidades potenciales de la población de pacientes infértilesatendidas en la institución, teniendo presente el tipo más frecuente y factores asociados como edad, residencia, antecedentes gineco – ostétricos, índice de masa corporal y posibles factores causales. Los resultados mostraron que el tipo de infertilidad Secundaria fue el más frecuente (57%), el grupo con mayor número de consultas fue de 30 a 34 años (30,5%) y mayor de 35 años (35,6%), con IMC de 25 – 29,9 (40,3%), de procedencia urbana (79%), hay que indicar que algunas pacientes tuvieron más de un factor causal, un 50,4% presentaron alteración como factor endócrino - ovárico, el 43,3% presentaron un factor uterino, el 28% resultó tener un problema tubo peritoneal y 58,5% de las pacientes presentaron infección como factor cervical.
Infertility is a problem that usually affects one in seven couples, with the lack of pregnancy after 12 months of regular intercourse without contraceptive protection may be caused by physical problems, hormonal, by lifestyle or environmental factors, tends to be different in each country. Population studies on this topic vary by study area. For this reason in the population served by the hospital ¨Enrique C. Sotomayor¨, we conducted a retrospective study and correlation, as it is important to know the incidence of infertility to establish the potential needs of the population of infertile patients, treated at the institution, bearing in mind the most common type and associated factors such as age, residence, gynecological history - ostétricos, BMI and possible causal factors. The results showed that the type of secondary infertility was the most frequent (57%), the group with the highest number of visits was 30-34 years (30.5%) and older than 35 years (35.6%), with BMI of 25 to 29.9 (40.3%) from urban areas (79%), it is noted that some patients had more than one causal factor, 50.4% had impaired ovulatory factor, 43.3 % had a uterine factor, 28% turned out to have a problem peritoneal tube and 58.5% of patients had infection and cervical factor.
Infertility is a problem that usually affects one in seven couples, with the lack of pregnancy after 12 months of regular intercourse without contraceptive protection may be caused by physical problems, hormonal, by lifestyle or environmental factors, tends to be different in each country. Population studies on this topic vary by study area. For this reason in the population served by the hospital ¨Enrique C. Sotomayor¨, we conducted a retrospective study and correlation, as it is important to know the incidence of infertility to establish the potential needs of the population of infertile patients, treated at the institution, bearing in mind the most common type and associated factors such as age, residence, gynecological history - ostétricos, BMI and possible causal factors. The results showed that the type of secondary infertility was the most frequent (57%), the group with the highest number of visits was 30-34 years (30.5%) and older than 35 years (35.6%), with BMI of 25 to 29.9 (40.3%) from urban areas (79%), it is noted that some patients had more than one causal factor, 50.4% had impaired ovulatory factor, 43.3 % had a uterine factor, 28% turned out to have a problem peritoneal tube and 58.5% of patients had infection and cervical factor.
Palabras clave
Infertilidad femenina, Incidencia, Estudios retrospectivos, Hospital Gineco-Obstétrico Enrique C. Sotomayor, Cantón Guayaquil, Ecuador