Sulfato de magnesio y su efecto sobre la resultante materno-perinatal: comparación de acuerdo al tipo de toxemia gravídica. Hospital Enrique C. Sotomayor 2010-2011
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Graduados
Objetivo: Establecer el efecto del sulfato de magnesio sobre la resultante materna y fetal en gestantes de acuerdo al tipo de toxemia gravídica en el Hospital Gineco - Obstétrico Enrique C. Sotomayor. Los trastornos hipertensivos que afectan a la mujer embarazada constituyen una de las principales causas de mortalidad materna y fetal. La preeclampsia constituye la más grave de las complicaciones y puede resultar catastrófica si evoluciona hacia una eclampsia. El sulfato de magnesio (SM) se presenta como una alterativa más efectiva para el manejo de esta patología que otros anticonvulsivos, lo que repercute en la reducción de las muertes y los otros problemas que sufren las mujeres en estado de gestación.
Materiales y Métodos: Se procedió a realizar un estudio de tipo Descriptivo, Analítico, Transversal con un diseño no experimental. El universo de estudio lo constituyeron las pacientes gestantes con diagnóstico de toxemia gravídica atendidas en el hospital Enrique C. Sotomayor tratadas con sulfato de magnesio durante el periodo 2010-2011.
Resultados: Se concluyó que el tratamiento con sulfato de magnesio fue efectivo sobre la resultante perinatal y materna puesto que se redujeron las convulsiones al 100% y no se registraron muertes ni de maternas ni neonatales, además las complicaciones fueron muy pocas y sin diferencia con el grupo de control por lo que no se recomienda su uso sistemático como tratamiento anticonvulsivante en estas pacientes. Se espera socializar la información obtenida con el equipo de salud para ampliar los conocimientos sobre el tratamiento con sulfato de magnesio para toxemia gravídica.
Objective: To establishth eeffect of magnesium sulfate on maternal and fetal resulting in pregnant women according to the type of toxemia of pregnancy in the Hospital OB - Obstetrician Enrique C. Sotomayor. Hypertensive disorder saffecting pregnant women are one of the leading causes of maternal and fetal mortality. Preeclampsia is the most serious complications and can be catastrophicif it develops into eclampsia. Magnesium sulfate (SM) is presented as a more effective alterative to the management of this condition tan other anticonvulsants, which i mpacts on reducing deaths and other problems facedby women in gestation. Materials and Methods: We carriedout a study of types Descriptive, Analytic, Crosssectional non-experimental design. The universe of study was pregnant patients diagnosed with preeclampsia treated in hospital "Enrique C. Sotomayor "treated with magnesium sulfate for the period 2010-2011. Results: It was concluded that treatment with magnesium sulphate was effective on perinatal and maternal resulting because seizures were reduced to 100% and no deaths or maternal or neonatal complications were also very few and no difference with the control group there fore recommends routine use as anticonvulsant treatment in these patients. It is hoped thein formation obtained socialize health team to expand know ledge on treatment with magnesium sulfate for toxemia of pregnancy.
Objective: To establishth eeffect of magnesium sulfate on maternal and fetal resulting in pregnant women according to the type of toxemia of pregnancy in the Hospital OB - Obstetrician Enrique C. Sotomayor. Hypertensive disorder saffecting pregnant women are one of the leading causes of maternal and fetal mortality. Preeclampsia is the most serious complications and can be catastrophicif it develops into eclampsia. Magnesium sulfate (SM) is presented as a more effective alterative to the management of this condition tan other anticonvulsants, which i mpacts on reducing deaths and other problems facedby women in gestation. Materials and Methods: We carriedout a study of types Descriptive, Analytic, Crosssectional non-experimental design. The universe of study was pregnant patients diagnosed with preeclampsia treated in hospital "Enrique C. Sotomayor "treated with magnesium sulfate for the period 2010-2011. Results: It was concluded that treatment with magnesium sulphate was effective on perinatal and maternal resulting because seizures were reduced to 100% and no deaths or maternal or neonatal complications were also very few and no difference with the control group there fore recommends routine use as anticonvulsant treatment in these patients. It is hoped thein formation obtained socialize health team to expand know ledge on treatment with magnesium sulfate for toxemia of pregnancy.
Palabras clave
Sulfato de magnesio, Resultante materno, Resultante perinatal, Preeclampsia, Hospital Gineco-Obstétrico Enrique C. Sotomayor, Cantón Guayaquil, Ecuador, Mujeres embarazadas, Preeclampsia, Toxemia