Factores de riesgo y su impacto sobre la resultante materna en gestantes con preeclampsia severa de inicio temprano (<34 semanas) Hospital Gineco-Obstétrico Enrique C. Sotomayor
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Graduados
La preeclampsia es una patología muy frecuente en las gestantes, y se presenta después de las 20 semanas asociado a proteinuria y edema. Cuando se sobreañaden síntomas neurológicos como cefalea, fotopsias, acufenos e hiperreflexia, el riesgo materno se triplica por la posibilidad de una crisis convulsiva poniendo en peligro la vida de la madre y del feto. Existe un aumento en las referencias de pacientes gestantes de otras instituciones con diagnóstico de Preeclampsia Severa pero a quienes no se les ha llevado un buen control prenatal. Es importante determinar qué factores acompañan a este trastorno hipertensivo para su presentación en etapas iniciales del embarazo, antes de las 34 semanas, y establecer un análisis para evaluar las complicaciones que pueden presentar. En el siguiente estudio se analizara a las pacientes gestantes ingresadas desde el 1 enero al 31 de diciembre del 2013 a la Maternidad Enrique C. Sotomayor bajo el diagnóstico de Preclampsia Severa de Inicio temprano (< 34 semanas) y los factores de riesgo presentes y su posterior impacto al término de su embarazo. La información se obtendrá de las historias clínicas que reposan en el área de estadística de la institución Este estudio permitirá desarrollar un plan de trabajo para establecer la importancia y posibles mejoras en los controles prenatales de la institución, con el fin de disminuir la tasa de complicaciones maternas.
Preeclampsia is a very common disease in pregnant women, and occurs after 20 weeks associated with proteinuria and edema. When neurological symptoms such as headache, photopsia, tinnitus and hyperreflexia add as a bonus, maternal risk triples the possibility of a seizure endangering the life of the mother and fetus. There is an increase in referrals of pregnant patients diagnosed with other institutions Severe Preeclampsia but who has not taken them a good prenatal control. It is important to determine what factors accompany this hypertensive disorder for presentation in early pregnancy before 34 weeks, and set an analysis to assess the complications that can arise. In the next study to pregnant patients admitted from January 1 to December 31, 2013 to the Enrique C. Sotomayor Maternity under Severe Preeclampsia diagnosis of early onset (<34 weeks) and the risk factors are present and analyze rear impact at the end of her pregnancy. The information will be obtained from medical records that lie in the area of statistics of the institution. This study will develop a work plan to establish the importance and potential improvements in prenatal care institution, in order to reduce the rate of maternal complications.
Preeclampsia is a very common disease in pregnant women, and occurs after 20 weeks associated with proteinuria and edema. When neurological symptoms such as headache, photopsia, tinnitus and hyperreflexia add as a bonus, maternal risk triples the possibility of a seizure endangering the life of the mother and fetus. There is an increase in referrals of pregnant patients diagnosed with other institutions Severe Preeclampsia but who has not taken them a good prenatal control. It is important to determine what factors accompany this hypertensive disorder for presentation in early pregnancy before 34 weeks, and set an analysis to assess the complications that can arise. In the next study to pregnant patients admitted from January 1 to December 31, 2013 to the Enrique C. Sotomayor Maternity under Severe Preeclampsia diagnosis of early onset (<34 weeks) and the risk factors are present and analyze rear impact at the end of her pregnancy. The information will be obtained from medical records that lie in the area of statistics of the institution. This study will develop a work plan to establish the importance and potential improvements in prenatal care institution, in order to reduce the rate of maternal complications.
Palabras clave
Mujeres embarazadas, Preeclampsia, Resultante materno, Factores de riesgo, Hospital Gineco-Obstétrico Enrique C. Sotomayor, Cantón Guayaquil, Ecuador