Factores epidemiológicos etiológicos clínicos y complicaciones relacionadas con las intoxicaciones domésticas infantiles Hospital del Niño Dr. Francisco de Ycaza Bustamante 2010-2012
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Graduados
Las intoxicaciones en la infancia representan actualmente un problema de salud pública, la OMS las reconoce dentro de los accidentes no intencionales, ya que es un aspecto muy importante dentro de las consultas médicas de emergencia cada vez más frecuentes, constituyen la tercera causa de accidentes en la infancia, después de los traumas y las quemaduras, requiriendo una atención rápida y eficaz desde el momento que el paciente es evaluado, para poder disminuir la morbilidad, complicaciones, daños irreversibles y la mortalidad. El problema principal fue identificar los factores Epidemiológicos, Etiológicos, Clínicos y Complicaciones relacionadas con las Intoxicaciones Domesticas Infantiles. La presente investigación es de tipo descriptiva, retrospectiva, registrando los 95 pacientes de 0 a 14 años 11, que acudieron al Servicio de Emergencia y el Servicio de Hospitalización del Hospital del Niño Dr. Francisco de Icaza Bustamante y fueron valorados por el Departamento de CITOX, entre el 1° Enero del 2010 al 31 de Diciembre del 2012, por ingesta de agentes tóxicos o potencialmente tóxicos. Con los resultados del estudio se concluye que el grupo más afectado corresponde a los preescolares (1 a 5 años) con el 59%, el sexo masculino fue el más afectado en 62%, las intoxicaciones se dieron bajo la supervisión de un cuidador adulto en el 77%, se destaca el mal almacenamiento del toxico en un 77%, un inadecuado envase para guardar el toxico en 17%, la vía oral fue la más frecuente con 82%, el tiempo transcurrido antes de la primera atención medica fue de más de 5 horas con 43%; en el 92% de los casos la causa fue accidental, el agente toxico con mayor incidencia de intoxicaciones fueron los medicamentos en un 33%, se determinó que las complicaciones se presentaron en el 56% y de ellas el 2% presentaron complicaciones con secuelas permanentes, como Insuficiencia Renal Crónica. Se concluye que las intoxicaciones se presentaron en niños con la supervisión de cuidadores adultos, confiados en la falsa seguridad de estar en su hogar y bajo su cuidado, dejando al alcance de los menores, los agentes tóxicos en lugares de almacenamiento y envases inadecuados, las complicaciones presentadas se relacionan directamente con el tiempo transcurrido antes de la primera atención médica y el agente toxico involucrado.
Poisonings in children now represent a public health problem, WHO recognizes in unintentional accidents, as it is a very important aspect of emergency medical consultations ever more frequent, are the third leading cause of accidents in childhood, after trauma and burns, requiring a fast and efficient from the moment the patient is evaluated in order to reduce morbidity, complications, and mortality irreversible damage. The main problem was to identify factors Epidemiologic, Etiologic, Clinical and related complications Domestic Child Poisonings. This research is descriptive, retrospective, recording the 95 patients 0-14 years 11, who attended the Emergency Service and Hospitalization Children's Hospital Dr. Francisco de Icaza Bustamante and were evaluated by the Department of CITOX, from 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2012, by ingestion of toxic or potentially toxic agents. With the results of the study concluded that the most affected group is for preschoolers (1-5 years) with 59%, male sex was the most affected in 62%, poisonings were made under the supervision of an adult caregiver 77%, highlighting the improper storage of toxic by 77%, an inadequate container to hold toxic in 17%, the mouth was the most frequent with 82%, the time elapsed before the first medical care was more 5 hours with 43%, in 92% of cases the cause was accidental, the toxic agent with the highest incidence of poisoning were drugs by 33%, it was determined that complications occurred in 56% and of these the 2% had complications with permanent squealed, such as chronic renal failure. It is concluded that the poisoning occurred in children under the supervision of adult caregivers, trusting in the false security of being at home and in their care, leaving the reach of children, toxic agents and packaging storage areas unsuitable the complications presented are directly related to the time elapsed before the first medical and toxic agent involved.
Poisonings in children now represent a public health problem, WHO recognizes in unintentional accidents, as it is a very important aspect of emergency medical consultations ever more frequent, are the third leading cause of accidents in childhood, after trauma and burns, requiring a fast and efficient from the moment the patient is evaluated in order to reduce morbidity, complications, and mortality irreversible damage. The main problem was to identify factors Epidemiologic, Etiologic, Clinical and related complications Domestic Child Poisonings. This research is descriptive, retrospective, recording the 95 patients 0-14 years 11, who attended the Emergency Service and Hospitalization Children's Hospital Dr. Francisco de Icaza Bustamante and were evaluated by the Department of CITOX, from 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2012, by ingestion of toxic or potentially toxic agents. With the results of the study concluded that the most affected group is for preschoolers (1-5 years) with 59%, male sex was the most affected in 62%, poisonings were made under the supervision of an adult caregiver 77%, highlighting the improper storage of toxic by 77%, an inadequate container to hold toxic in 17%, the mouth was the most frequent with 82%, the time elapsed before the first medical care was more 5 hours with 43%, in 92% of cases the cause was accidental, the toxic agent with the highest incidence of poisoning were drugs by 33%, it was determined that complications occurred in 56% and of these the 2% had complications with permanent squealed, such as chronic renal failure. It is concluded that the poisoning occurred in children under the supervision of adult caregivers, trusting in the false security of being at home and in their care, leaving the reach of children, toxic agents and packaging storage areas unsuitable the complications presented are directly related to the time elapsed before the first medical and toxic agent involved.
Palabras clave
Envenenamiento, Etiología, Epidemiología, Complicaciones, Ambiente del hogar, Estudios retrospectivos, Epidemiología descriptiva, Hospital del Niño Francisco de Icaza Bustamante, Cantón Guayaquil, Ecuador, Factores epidemiológicos, Pediatría