Análisis de la estructura de los costos de la producción bananera en el cantón Vinces-Provincia de Los Ríos, período 2017-2018.
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
La presente investigación trata acerca del análisis de la estructura de los costos de la producción bananera en el cantón Vinces-Los Ríos; con el objetivo de conocer los costos de producción que los pequeños productores deben incurrir, por tal razón se los clasificara en costos fijos y costos variables, explicando cada uno de los procesos y gastos necesarios mensualmente, se conocer además adicionalmente la inversión, el tipo de préstamo recibido, la tasa de interés que se les cobra a los productores de banano, entre otras determinantes. La información se obtendrá de la entrevista a la productora Nabila la cual posee 5 hectáreas y a la normativa legal que rige al sector bananero ecuatoriano. Se llega a la conclusión de que los costos para poder producir son altos que si la persona solo posee una hectárea las ganancias mensuales serán bajas, si no se posee un contrato de venta con los exportadores, el empresario estará sujeto a los precios del mercado, y de los intermediarios, por lo que sus ganancias serán mucho más bajas.
The present investigation deals with the analysis of the cost structure of banana production in the canton of Vinces-Los Ríos; with the objective of knowing the production costs that small producers must incur, for this reason they will be classified in fixed costs and variable costs, explaining each of the processes and necessary monthly expenses, additionally knowing the investment, the type of loan received, the interest rate charged to banana producers, among other determinants. The information will be obtained d the interview with the producer Nabila which has 5 hectares and the legal regulations that govern the Ecuadorian banana sector. It is concluded that the costs to produce are high that if the person only owns one hectare the monthly earnings will be low, if you do not have a sales contract with the exporters, the employer will be subject to market prices, and intermediaries, so their earnings will be much lower
The present investigation deals with the analysis of the cost structure of banana production in the canton of Vinces-Los Ríos; with the objective of knowing the production costs that small producers must incur, for this reason they will be classified in fixed costs and variable costs, explaining each of the processes and necessary monthly expenses, additionally knowing the investment, the type of loan received, the interest rate charged to banana producers, among other determinants. The information will be obtained d the interview with the producer Nabila which has 5 hectares and the legal regulations that govern the Ecuadorian banana sector. It is concluded that the costs to produce are high that if the person only owns one hectare the monthly earnings will be low, if you do not have a sales contract with the exporters, the employer will be subject to market prices, and intermediaries, so their earnings will be much lower
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