Protocolo de resonancia magnética para detectar patologías de inestabilidad de hombro en varones de 40 a 50 años
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Carrera de Tecnología Médica
El presente trabajo está basado en investigación de tipo descriptivo, transversal y prospectivo desarrollado en un universo y tomando como muestra 30 pacientes que acudieron al centro de Imágenes del Hospital Clínica Panamericana a realizarse estudios en el departamento de Imágenes. Objetivo:Valorar la importancia de la aplicación de un protocolo específico de resonancia magnética nuclear de hombroa pacientes de 40 a 50 años de edad que acuden por presentar un cuadro clínico previo, el propósito de este trabajo es mostrar a los futuros profesionales en imagenología el buen manejo y control de la resonancia magnéticacon el fin de brindarle al médico imágenes optimas que faciliten un diagnóstico de las distintas patologías que pueden presentar los pacientes. Una de las ventajas de la resonancia magnética nuclear es que no utiliza ningún tipo de radiación ionizante por lo que no produce ningún efecto biológico al paciente. El equipo de resonancia magnética está conformado por un gran imán con forma de anillo que suele tener un túnel en el centro. Los pacientes se ubican en una camilla que se desliza hacia el interior del túnel. En algunos centros, las máquinas de resonancia son abiertas, es decir que tienen aberturas más grandes y son muy útiles para los pacientes que sufren de claustrofobia. Las máquinas de resonancia magnética se encuentran en hospitales y centros radiológicos especialmente en el centro hospitalario antes mencionado. Además esta investigación está enfocada para la asistida Hospital- ClínicaPanamericana de la ciudad de Guayaquil, en el período de enero a marzo del 2013 para así finalmente tener conclusiones y recomendaciones, las cuales están organizadas tanto nivel técnico, como operativo.
The present work is based on descriptive, transversal and prospective research developed in a universe and taking as sample 30 patients who went to the Imaging Center of the Hospital Clínica Panamericana to study in the Imaging department. Objective: To assess the importance of the application of a specific nuclear magnetic resonance protocol of shoulder to patients from 40 to 50 years of age who come to present a previous clinical picture, the purpose of this work is to show future professionals in imaging the good management and control of magnetic resonance in order to provide the doctor with optimal images that facilitate a diagnosis of the different pathologies that patients may present. One of the advantages of nuclear magnetic resonance is that it does not use any type of ionizing radiation so it does not produce any biological effect to the patient. The magnetic resonance team is made up of a large ring-shaped magnet that usually has a tunnel in the center. The patients are placed on a stretcher that slides into the tunnel. In some centers, the resonance machines are open, that is, they have larger openings and are very useful for patients suffering from claustrophobia. Magnetic resonance machines are found in hospitals and radiological centers, especially in the aforementioned hospital center. In addition, this research is focused on the assisted Hospital- ClínicaPanamericana in the city of Guayaquil, from January to March 2013, in order to finally have conclusions and recommendations, which are organized at both technical and operational levels.
The present work is based on descriptive, transversal and prospective research developed in a universe and taking as sample 30 patients who went to the Imaging Center of the Hospital Clínica Panamericana to study in the Imaging department. Objective: To assess the importance of the application of a specific nuclear magnetic resonance protocol of shoulder to patients from 40 to 50 years of age who come to present a previous clinical picture, the purpose of this work is to show future professionals in imaging the good management and control of magnetic resonance in order to provide the doctor with optimal images that facilitate a diagnosis of the different pathologies that patients may present. One of the advantages of nuclear magnetic resonance is that it does not use any type of ionizing radiation so it does not produce any biological effect to the patient. The magnetic resonance team is made up of a large ring-shaped magnet that usually has a tunnel in the center. The patients are placed on a stretcher that slides into the tunnel. In some centers, the resonance machines are open, that is, they have larger openings and are very useful for patients suffering from claustrophobia. Magnetic resonance machines are found in hospitals and radiological centers, especially in the aforementioned hospital center. In addition, this research is focused on the assisted Hospital- ClínicaPanamericana in the city of Guayaquil, from January to March 2013, in order to finally have conclusions and recommendations, which are organized at both technical and operational levels.
Palabras clave
Protocolos, Resonancia magnética, Inestabilidad de hombro, Hombres, Clínica Panamericana, Cantón Guayaquil, Ecuador