Drenaje posturales en pacientes de 30 a 60 años con neumonía asociada a ventilación mecánica
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Carrera de Tecnología Médica
La neumonía asociada a la ventilación mecánica es uno de los principales problemas en cuanto a la recuperación de los pacientes que se encuentran en la unidad de cuidados incentivos sometidos a ventilación mecánica, el drenaje postura) es una técnica que por mucho tiempo a demostrado ser eficaz en la eliminación de secreciones pulmonares, consiste en poner en diferentes posturas al paciente permitiendo que por medio de la gravedad movilizar secreciones de las vías aéreas inferiores hasta las vías aéreas superiores para poder ser eliminadas, es eficaz para los pacientes con neumonía asociada a ventilación mecánica, que acumulan secreciones pulmonares y se les hace difícil su eliminación debido a su problema de base, Se utilizo la metodología cualitativa, las fuentes de información ha sido de gran importancia, se han basado en libros de fisioterapia respiratoria, neumología, también se obtuvieron datos del internet y la investigación de campo de este trabajo se ha basado en las historia clínica de los pacientes donde se obtuvo la información de los pacientes que estuvieron con neumonía asociada a ventilación mecánica, y que se les tuvo que realizar drenajes posturales, Los recursos utilizados que garantizaron un trabajo de cálida, fue la práctica que se realizo durante un año en el hospital, y que permitió trabajar directamente con los pacientes que estuvieron en cuidados incentivos del OmniHospital con neumonía asociada a ventilación mecánica y que se realizo drenajes posturales y la observación estadística sobre las incidencia de la patología respiratoria, El drenaje postura! ayuda a disminuir la mortalidad y la estancia en la unidad de cuidados intensivos de los pacientes favoreciendo en su recuperación.
The pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation is one of the main problems in terms of recovery of patients who are in the unit of care incentives subjected to mechanical ventilation, drainage posture) is a technique that for a long time has proven to be effective in the elimination of pulmonary secretions, it consists of putting the patient in different positions allowing by means of gravity to mobilize secretions from the lower airways to the upper airways in order to be eliminated, it is effective for patients with pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation , which accumulate pulmonary secretions and they are difficult to eliminate due to their basic problem. Qualitative methodology was used, information sources have been of great importance, they have been based on books of respiratory physiotherapy, pulmonology, data were also obtained of the internet and the field research of this work has b Roasted in the clinical history of patients where information was obtained from patients who were with pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation, and that they had to perform postural drains. The resources used that guaranteed a warm job, was the practice that was I performed for one year in the hospital, and that allowed me to work directly with the patients who were in the care incentives of the OmniHospital with pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation and who performed postural drainage and statistical observation on the incidence of respiratory pathology. ! helps to reduce mortality and stay in the intensive care unit of patients favoring their recovery.
The pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation is one of the main problems in terms of recovery of patients who are in the unit of care incentives subjected to mechanical ventilation, drainage posture) is a technique that for a long time has proven to be effective in the elimination of pulmonary secretions, it consists of putting the patient in different positions allowing by means of gravity to mobilize secretions from the lower airways to the upper airways in order to be eliminated, it is effective for patients with pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation , which accumulate pulmonary secretions and they are difficult to eliminate due to their basic problem. Qualitative methodology was used, information sources have been of great importance, they have been based on books of respiratory physiotherapy, pulmonology, data were also obtained of the internet and the field research of this work has b Roasted in the clinical history of patients where information was obtained from patients who were with pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation, and that they had to perform postural drains. The resources used that guaranteed a warm job, was the practice that was I performed for one year in the hospital, and that allowed me to work directly with the patients who were in the care incentives of the OmniHospital with pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation and who performed postural drainage and statistical observation on the incidence of respiratory pathology. ! helps to reduce mortality and stay in the intensive care unit of patients favoring their recovery.
Palabras clave
Drenaje postural, Neumología, Respiración artificial, Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos, Omni Hospital, Cantón Guayaquil, Ecuador