La gamificacion del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje significativo
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación
A nivel mundial se considera que en la educación son necesarias los
métodos de la Gamificación para despertar en los estudiantes la
motivación intrínseca y de esta manera lograr grandes avances en el
proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y de esa forma se obtendrá un mejor
rendimiento académico. Por esta razón los docentes de todos los niveles
de educación, deben implementar y fortalecer los tipos de métodos de la
Gamificación en la inclusión educativa. Tomando en cuenta la edad
cronológica y pedagógica de los estudiantes. En vista de estas
necesidades en la Unidad Educativa Nacional “Vicente Rocafuerte” objeto
de estudio, se ha diseñado la aplicación de las técnicas para la
Gamificación para mejorar el desempeño académico de los estudiantes de
primer año de bachillerato en la asignatura de lengua y literatura, mediante
la elaboración del desarrollo de la aplicación lúdica educativa con
herramientas multimedia.
At a global level, it is considered that in education the methods of gamification are necessary to awaken in the students the intrinsic motivation and in this way to achieve great advances in the teaching-learning process and in that way a better academic performance will be obtained. For this reason teachers of all levels of education must implement and strengthen the types of gamification methods in educational inclusion. Taking into account the chronological and pedagogical age of the students. In view of these needs in the National Educational Unit "Vicente Rocafuerte" object of study, the application of gamification techniques has been designed to improve the academic performance of the first year students of the baccalaureate in the subject of language and literature, by developing the development of the educational play application with multimedia tools.
At a global level, it is considered that in education the methods of gamification are necessary to awaken in the students the intrinsic motivation and in this way to achieve great advances in the teaching-learning process and in that way a better academic performance will be obtained. For this reason teachers of all levels of education must implement and strengthen the types of gamification methods in educational inclusion. Taking into account the chronological and pedagogical age of the students. In view of these needs in the National Educational Unit "Vicente Rocafuerte" object of study, the application of gamification techniques has been designed to improve the academic performance of the first year students of the baccalaureate in the subject of language and literature, by developing the development of the educational play application with multimedia tools.
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