Vulvovaginitis en adolescentes, plan de prevención
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Graduados
Antecedentes. La vulvovaginitis es un proceso inflamatorio de vulva y vagina, que
compromete ambas estructuras, que es una causa muy frecuente de consulta ginecológica.
Objetivos. – El objetivo general ha sido caracterizar los principales factores predisponentes
para prevenir las vulvovaginitis en adolescentes evitando así lesiones que alteren la morfo
fisiología de la mucosa vaginal y realizar un diseño educativo de prevención con ética
profesional y valores humanísticos, para lo cual se planteó como objetivos específicos
analizar los referente teóricos de las vulvovaginitis, identificar las causas predisponentes,
determinar los microrganismos patógenos capaces de alterar la morfofisiología de la mucosa
vaginal y proponer un diseño educativo de prevención. Metodología. - Se realiza método
analítico, cuantitativo, retrospectivo de corte tranversal, descriptivo, de campo,
observacional, donde se tomaron datos de las historias clínicas de adolescentes atendidas en
un consultorio privado en el Hospital Kennedy de Policentro que asistieron a la consulta por
vulvovaginitis que en total fueron 63 en el periodo de un año. Resultados. - Los principales
factores de riesgo para las adolescentes, en comparación con la población adulta, fue la falta
de higiene (p=0,048), uso de ropa húmeda, (p=0,016) y el uso de ropa ajustada que
permanece casi exclusivo para las adolescentes (p=0,016). El principal agente etiológico fue
la Cándida albicans. Conclusión. – Es necesario establecer una estrategia de prevención de
la vulvovaginitis, para poder crear conciencia sobre los cuidados en la higiene íntima que
deben tener las adolescentes utilizando estrategias metodológicas de fácil asimilación como
los recursos tecnológicos.
Background. Vulvovaginitis is an inflammatory process of the vulva and vagina, which commits both structures, which is a very common cause of gynecological consultation. Objectives. - The overall objective has been to characterize the main predisposing factor to prevent vulvovaginitis in adolescents to avoid injuries that alter the morpho-physiology of mucosa with drug treatment and perform an educational prevention design professional ethics and humanistic values for which was raised as specific objectives analyze the theoretical benchmark of vulvovaginitis, identify the predisposing causes, determine the pathogenic microorganisms capable of altering the morphophysiology of the vaginal mucosa and propose an educational prevention design. Methodology. - Analytical, quantitative, retrospective method transversal, descriptive court, field, observational, where data from the medical records of adolescents treated at a private clinic in the Kennedy Hospital Policentro who attended the consultation vulvovaginitis were taken were done in Total were 63 in the period of one year. Results. - The main risk factors for adolescents compared to adults, was the lack of hygiene (p = 0.048), use of wet clothes, (p = 0.016) and wearing tight clothing that remains almost exclusively for adolescents (p = 0.016). The main etiological agent was Candida albicans. Conclusion. - It is necessary to establish a prevention strategy vulvovaginitis, to raise awareness about intimate hygiene care that should have teenagers using methodological strategies easy assimilation and technological resources.
Background. Vulvovaginitis is an inflammatory process of the vulva and vagina, which commits both structures, which is a very common cause of gynecological consultation. Objectives. - The overall objective has been to characterize the main predisposing factor to prevent vulvovaginitis in adolescents to avoid injuries that alter the morpho-physiology of mucosa with drug treatment and perform an educational prevention design professional ethics and humanistic values for which was raised as specific objectives analyze the theoretical benchmark of vulvovaginitis, identify the predisposing causes, determine the pathogenic microorganisms capable of altering the morphophysiology of the vaginal mucosa and propose an educational prevention design. Methodology. - Analytical, quantitative, retrospective method transversal, descriptive court, field, observational, where data from the medical records of adolescents treated at a private clinic in the Kennedy Hospital Policentro who attended the consultation vulvovaginitis were taken were done in Total were 63 in the period of one year. Results. - The main risk factors for adolescents compared to adults, was the lack of hygiene (p = 0.048), use of wet clothes, (p = 0.016) and wearing tight clothing that remains almost exclusively for adolescents (p = 0.016). The main etiological agent was Candida albicans. Conclusion. - It is necessary to establish a prevention strategy vulvovaginitis, to raise awareness about intimate hygiene care that should have teenagers using methodological strategies easy assimilation and technological resources.
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