Factores que inciden en el desarrollo de las Microempresas en el Cantón Durán
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Universidad de Guayaquil Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas
En el presente proyecto de investigación se planteó indagar los “FACTORES QUE INCIDEN EN EL DESARROLLO DE LAS MICROEMPRESAS EN EL CANTON DURÁN”. Las pequeñas y medianas empresas o microempresas nacen con la necesidad de abastecer en gran parte el mercado que no ha sido de interés por las grandes corporaciones, pero en ocasiones esto no se da con éxito, por diferentes aspectos ya sea por la economía que afecte en gran parte a las empresas o por alguna u otra razón de fuerza mayor en nuestro país. En el trayecto de esta investigación se realizaron estudios en el sector comercial que abarca las microempresas del cantón Durán, específicamente la Av. Samuel Cisneros. Es decir, por medio de una investigación de campo con un enfoque cualitativo que permitió obtener los datos e información deseada por las autoras de este trabajo investigativo. Con los resultados obtenidos se corroboró los factores que inciden en el desarrollo de las microempresas, y a su vez para que los microempresarios conozcan de manera general y tomen las medidas necesarias para lograr sus objetivos planteados ya sea en un corto, mediano o largo plazo.
In the present research project it was proposed to investigate the "FACTORS THAT AFFECT THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MICRO-ENTERPRISES IN THE CANTON DURÁN". Small and medium-sized companies or micro-enterprises are born with the need to supply a large part of the market that has not been of interest to large corporations, but sometimes this does not happen successfully, due to different aspects, whether due to the economy that affects in large part to companies or for some reason or other force majeure in our country. In the course of this investigation, studies were carried out in the commercial sector that covers the micro-enterprises of the Durán canton, specifically Av. Samuel Cisneros. That is, through field research with a qualitative approach that allowed obtaining the data and information desired by the authors of this research work. With the results obtained, the factors that influence the development of the microenterprises were corroborated, and at the same time, for the microentrepreneurs to know in a general way and take the necessary measures to achieve their stated objectives, whether in a short, medium or long term.
In the present research project it was proposed to investigate the "FACTORS THAT AFFECT THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MICRO-ENTERPRISES IN THE CANTON DURÁN". Small and medium-sized companies or micro-enterprises are born with the need to supply a large part of the market that has not been of interest to large corporations, but sometimes this does not happen successfully, due to different aspects, whether due to the economy that affects in large part to companies or for some reason or other force majeure in our country. In the course of this investigation, studies were carried out in the commercial sector that covers the micro-enterprises of the Durán canton, specifically Av. Samuel Cisneros. That is, through field research with a qualitative approach that allowed obtaining the data and information desired by the authors of this research work. With the results obtained, the factors that influence the development of the microenterprises were corroborated, and at the same time, for the microentrepreneurs to know in a general way and take the necessary measures to achieve their stated objectives, whether in a short, medium or long term.
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