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Universidad de Guayaquil Facultad de Ciencias Psicológicas
La presente investigación fue realizada en el Fundación Nurtac-Durán centro “Mis viejos tiempos 1” acerca de la relación entre los procesos cognitivos y el funcionamiento sensorial de los adultos mayores con deterioro cognitivo leve, para lo cual fueron seleccionados 12 adultos mayores pertenecientes al Proyecto de “Diseño de una estrategia de intervención familiar para la prevención del maltrato al adulto mayor en la fundación Nurtac”. La metodología utilizada en esta investigación tuvo un enfoque cuantitativo de tipo correlacional, diseño no experimental transversal, método hipotético – deductivo. El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue determinar la relación entre los procesos cognitivos y el funcionamiento sensorial en los adultos mayores con deterioro cognitivo leve para la identificación de los dominios cognitivos, mediante la aplicación de instrumentos como la Evaluación cognitiva Montreal (MoCA), la escala de limitaciones auditivas para adultos mayores (HHIE-S) y la escala de eficiencia visual de Natalie Bagarra. El análisis de los datos se efectúo con el procesador estadístico, Statical Product Servi Solution (SPSS) versión 23. La relación entre los procesos cognitivos y la agudeza auditiva es negativa inversa muy baja con un coeficiente de -0,085, la relación de los procesos cognitivos y la eficiencia visual expresan una relación positiva moderada con un coeficiente de 0,63. Se concluye que existe un grado de relación entre los procesos cognitivos y el funcionamiento sensorial específicamente en las áreas auditivas y visuales
This research was conducted at the Nurtac-Durán Center Foundation “Mis viejos tiempos 1”. The research is about the relationship between the cognitive processes and the sensory functioning of older adults with mild cognitive deterioration. We selected 12 senior adults to participate in the Project, “Design of a family intervention strategy for the prevention of abuse of the elderly in the Nurtac Foundation”. The methodology we used in this research had a quantitative approach to correlational type, transverse non-experimental design, hypothetical method -deductive. The main objective of our research was to determine the relationship between cognitive processes and sensory functioning in older adults with mild cognitive deterioration to identify the cognitive domains through the application of instruments such as Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), the scale of hearing limitations for older adults (HHIE-S), and Natalie's visual efficiency scale “Bagarra”. The analysis of the data was done with the statistical processor “Statical Product Servi Solution (SPSS) Version 23”. The relationship between cognitive processes and auditory acuity is a low negative inverse with a coefficient of -0,085. The relationship of cognitive processes and efficiency Visual express a moderate positive relationship with a coefficient of 0,63. It is concluded that there is a degree of relationship between cognitive processes and sensory functioning specifically in the areas auditive and visual
This research was conducted at the Nurtac-Durán Center Foundation “Mis viejos tiempos 1”. The research is about the relationship between the cognitive processes and the sensory functioning of older adults with mild cognitive deterioration. We selected 12 senior adults to participate in the Project, “Design of a family intervention strategy for the prevention of abuse of the elderly in the Nurtac Foundation”. The methodology we used in this research had a quantitative approach to correlational type, transverse non-experimental design, hypothetical method -deductive. The main objective of our research was to determine the relationship between cognitive processes and sensory functioning in older adults with mild cognitive deterioration to identify the cognitive domains through the application of instruments such as Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), the scale of hearing limitations for older adults (HHIE-S), and Natalie's visual efficiency scale “Bagarra”. The analysis of the data was done with the statistical processor “Statical Product Servi Solution (SPSS) Version 23”. The relationship between cognitive processes and auditory acuity is a low negative inverse with a coefficient of -0,085. The relationship of cognitive processes and efficiency Visual express a moderate positive relationship with a coefficient of 0,63. It is concluded that there is a degree of relationship between cognitive processes and sensory functioning specifically in the areas auditive and visual
Palabras clave
Procesos cognitivos, adulto mayor, deterioro cognitivo leve, funcionamiento sensorial