Perdida prematura de dientes temporales en niños de 4 a 12 años
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad Piloto de Odontología
La pérdida de piezas dentales puede ocurrir por diversas razones: ausencia congénita, traumatismo, enfermedad dental (como caries o enfermedad periodontal), así como falla mecánica. En los niños es algo traumatizante la perdidas de su piezas dentales ya que muchas veces son burlas de sus compañeros, esto siempre se da en niños es importante que el objetivo general de la investigación será el determinar las causas y consecuencias en la perdida prematura de órganos dentarios en niños de 4 a 12 años el diseño del estudio es cuantitativo ya que permite relacionar la variable dependiente con la independiente, descriptivo y cuantificar debido a que se procede a la caracterización del proceso paso a paso documental, resumiendo, solo se va a analizar la evolución clínica del paciente y la del tratamiento desde el inicio hasta la finalización del mismo, llegando a obtener los resultados por medio de una conclusión. La técnica que se aplico fue la observación clínica con los pacientes de esta manera se procede al diagnóstico y evaluación del mismo. La población y muestra de la investigación fueron tomadas a conveniencia de los autores de la investigación, en el análisis de datos se pudo evidenciar que la población fue de género femenino el 75%, que los niños que presentaron caries un 80%, perdida prematura temporal un 22%, extracciones indicadas temporales 45%, en perdida permanente el 2%,concluyendo el estudio con que las causas de perdida prematura de órganos dentarios se dan primero por caries, esto la ausencia del control odontológico.
Loss of teeth can occur for various reasons: congenital absence, trauma, dental disease (such as tooth decay or periodontal disease), as well as mechanical failure. In children it is somewhat traumatizing the loss of their dental pieces since they are often mockery of their peers, this always occurs in children it is important that the general objective of the investigation will be to determine the causes and consequences in the premature loss of organs In children aged 4 to 12 years, the study design is quantitative because it allows the dependent variable to be related to the independent, descriptive and quantify variable due to the characterization of the documentary step-by-step process, summarizing, it is only going to be analyzed the clinical evolution of the patient and that of the treatment from the beginning to the end of it, reaching the results by means of a conclusion. The technique that was applied was the clinical observation with the patients in this way the diagnosis and evaluation of the same is carried out. The population and sample of the research were taken at the convenience of the authors of the research, in the data analysis it was shown that the population was 75% female, that children who had 80% decay, temporary premature loss 22%, indicated temporary extractions 45%, in permanent loss 2%, concluding the study with which the causes of premature loss of dental organs are first due to caries, this is the absence of dental control
Loss of teeth can occur for various reasons: congenital absence, trauma, dental disease (such as tooth decay or periodontal disease), as well as mechanical failure. In children it is somewhat traumatizing the loss of their dental pieces since they are often mockery of their peers, this always occurs in children it is important that the general objective of the investigation will be to determine the causes and consequences in the premature loss of organs In children aged 4 to 12 years, the study design is quantitative because it allows the dependent variable to be related to the independent, descriptive and quantify variable due to the characterization of the documentary step-by-step process, summarizing, it is only going to be analyzed the clinical evolution of the patient and that of the treatment from the beginning to the end of it, reaching the results by means of a conclusion. The technique that was applied was the clinical observation with the patients in this way the diagnosis and evaluation of the same is carried out. The population and sample of the research were taken at the convenience of the authors of the research, in the data analysis it was shown that the population was 75% female, that children who had 80% decay, temporary premature loss 22%, indicated temporary extractions 45%, in permanent loss 2%, concluding the study with which the causes of premature loss of dental organs are first due to caries, this is the absence of dental control
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