Prevalencia de gingivitis en pacientes con prótesis parcial removible y pacientes con tratamiento ortodóntico
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad Piloto de Odontología
Existen varias enfermedades periodontales que causan, dolor e incomodidad a los pacientes, pero una de las más comunes es la gingivitis que se presenta con inflamación, enrojecimiento, sangrado y por su puesto dolor en las encías.
Esta patología se presenta más frecuentemente en pacientes portadores de aparatologías bucales, sean removibles o fijas, ya que por las estructuras de estos aparatos es fácil la acumulación de bacterias, restos de comida, placa y formación de cálculo haciendo así que la higiene bucal sea más compleja.
El objetivo del presente trabajo de tesis fue determinar la prevalencia de la gingivitis en los pacientes con prótesis removible y pacientes con tratamiento ortodóntico, mediante la revisión de historias clínicas de la Facultad Piloto de Odontología y exámenes clínicos (índice de higiene oral y PSR) a pacientes de la Escuela de Postgrado de la Facultad Piloto de Odontología de la Universidad de Guayaquil.
De los diferentes resultados obtenidos uno de los más relevantes fue que existe una mayor prevalencia de gingivitis en el sexo femenino, tanto para las pacientes con tratamiento ortodóntico y las pacientes con prótesis parcial removible.
En conclusión podemos decir que el control frecuente de la placa es la clave para prevenir la aparición de las enfermedades periodontales y tener éxito total en el uso de estas aparatologías. Gracias a las adecuadas técnicas de higiene bucal, uso correcto de implementos de higiene y tratamientos periodontales antes, durante y después de usar las aparatologías fijas y removibles, la gingivitis se puede controlar o evitar.
There are several periodontal diseases that cause pain and discomfort to patients, but one of the most common is gingivitis that occurs with inflammation, redness, bleeding and of course pain in the gums. This pathology occurs more frequently in patients with oral appliances, whether removable or fixed, because the structures of these devices make it easy to accumulate bacteria, food debris, plaque and stone formation, thus making oral hygiene more complex. The objective of this thesis was to determine the prevalence of gingivitis in patients with removable prostheses and patients with orthodontic treatment, by reviewing the medical records of the Pilot School of Dentistry and clinical examinations (oral hygiene index and PSR) to patients of the Postgraduate School of the Pilot School of Dentistry of the University of Guayaquil. Of the different results obtained, one of the most relevant was that there is a higher prevalence of gingivitis in women, both for patients with orthodontic treatment and patients with removable partial dentures. In conclusion, we can say that frequent plaque control is the key to preventing the onset of periodontal diseases and having total success in the use of these devices. Thanks to proper oral hygiene techniques, proper use of hygiene implements and periodontal treatments before, during and after using fixed and removable appliances, gingivitis can be controlled or avoided.
There are several periodontal diseases that cause pain and discomfort to patients, but one of the most common is gingivitis that occurs with inflammation, redness, bleeding and of course pain in the gums. This pathology occurs more frequently in patients with oral appliances, whether removable or fixed, because the structures of these devices make it easy to accumulate bacteria, food debris, plaque and stone formation, thus making oral hygiene more complex. The objective of this thesis was to determine the prevalence of gingivitis in patients with removable prostheses and patients with orthodontic treatment, by reviewing the medical records of the Pilot School of Dentistry and clinical examinations (oral hygiene index and PSR) to patients of the Postgraduate School of the Pilot School of Dentistry of the University of Guayaquil. Of the different results obtained, one of the most relevant was that there is a higher prevalence of gingivitis in women, both for patients with orthodontic treatment and patients with removable partial dentures. In conclusion, we can say that frequent plaque control is the key to preventing the onset of periodontal diseases and having total success in the use of these devices. Thanks to proper oral hygiene techniques, proper use of hygiene implements and periodontal treatments before, during and after using fixed and removable appliances, gingivitis can be controlled or avoided.
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