Apicoformación con Hidróxido de calcio
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad Piloto de Odontología
Cuando la necrosis pulpar se instala en dientes jóvenes que aún no han completado su
cierre apical, surge la interrupción de su crecimiento; la apexificación constituye un
tratamiento eficaz el cual induce a la formación de una barrera calcificada apical; en este
sentido, estimula el desarrollo radicular. Al momento de realizar el tratamiento existen
diferentes técnicas, este estudio se centró en la apicoformación realizada con la mezcla
de hidróxido de calcio químicamente puro y glicerina. El objetivo de este trabajo fue
determinar la eficacia del Hidróxido de Calcio químicamente puro mezclado con glicerina
en el tratamiento de la apicoformación en un paciente con un incisivo central superior
diagnosticado con absceso alveolar crónico y ápice abierto. La metodología utilizada fue
trasversal, no experimental e inductiva. En los resultados obtenidos se pudo evidenciar
aumento del grosor de las paredes radiculares y la formación de un tope apical, lo que se
corroboró con la introducción de una lima # 35. Se concluyó que el uso del Hidróxido de
Calcio Puro mezclado con glicerina usado en la apicoformación para tratar un diente con
diagnóstico de ápice abierto da buenos resultados siempre y cuando se realice una buena
limpieza del conducto y el paciente acuda puntualmente a los recambios de la medicación.
When a young tooth that has not yet completed an apical closure is affected by necrosis or any degenerative process, it presents irregularities on its growth patterns and stages. “Apexification” is considered an effective treatment that stimulates root development by inducing formation of an apical calcified barrier. Therefore, it solves any growth deficiencies presented by the affected tooth. There are many different techniques to complete this treatment, but this study is solely focused on the apicoformation achieved by using chemically pure calcium hydroxide mixed with glycerin. The objective of this work is to determine the effectiveness of chemically pure Calcium Hydroxide mixed with glycerin to produce apicoformation in a patient with a superior central incisor diagnosed with chronic alveolar abscess and open apex. The methodology used was transversal, nonexperimental and inductive. The results obtained showed an increase in the thickness of the root walls and the formation of the apex, which was corroborated with the introduction of a # 35 file. Conclusion: the use of Pure Calcium Hydroxide mixed with glycerin used in apicoformation to treat a tooth with open apex diagnosis, gives good results as long as the root canal has been cleansed correctly and the patient promptly goes to subsequent appointments.
When a young tooth that has not yet completed an apical closure is affected by necrosis or any degenerative process, it presents irregularities on its growth patterns and stages. “Apexification” is considered an effective treatment that stimulates root development by inducing formation of an apical calcified barrier. Therefore, it solves any growth deficiencies presented by the affected tooth. There are many different techniques to complete this treatment, but this study is solely focused on the apicoformation achieved by using chemically pure calcium hydroxide mixed with glycerin. The objective of this work is to determine the effectiveness of chemically pure Calcium Hydroxide mixed with glycerin to produce apicoformation in a patient with a superior central incisor diagnosed with chronic alveolar abscess and open apex. The methodology used was transversal, nonexperimental and inductive. The results obtained showed an increase in the thickness of the root walls and the formation of the apex, which was corroborated with the introduction of a # 35 file. Conclusion: the use of Pure Calcium Hydroxide mixed with glycerin used in apicoformation to treat a tooth with open apex diagnosis, gives good results as long as the root canal has been cleansed correctly and the patient promptly goes to subsequent appointments.
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