Protocolo de atención médica para lumbalgía aguda, determinar los factores de riesgo asociados en militares de la Brigada de Selva-17, 2010
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Graduados
La lumbalgía aguda es la primera causa de ausentismo laboral, por múltiples agentes a lo que está sometida esta población en especial como actividad física extrema, carga de mochilas que tienen en promedio 20 Kg, la obesidad, el consumo de tabaco y alcohol; nuestra propuesta es un protocolo de atención médica para la atención de nuestros pacientes, determinamos el grupo etario más afectado, identificamos los factores de riesgo, la valoración nutricional, tratamiento brindado; utilizamos un estudio descriptivo, tenemos una incidencia del 66,7% que concuerda con la bibliografía mundial, el rango de edad más afectado es del 25-35 años, tanto el consumo de alcohol como de tabaco es mayor al 80% y esto influye principalmente por la irrigación del disco intervertebral, el 88% tiene sobrepeso de la población estudiada, ellos presentaron dolor inicial moderado del 97% luego del tratamiento medico y fisioterapéutico se supero el dolor, nosotros tenemos que diagnosticar y tratar de forma oportuna la lumbalgía aguda para evitar la cronicidad y las complicaciones, el uso del protocolo para atención primaria evitará complicaciones
The acute low back pain is the first cause the labor absteeis for multiple factors that we population is submit such as physics extremely, backpack overload (20 Kg), obesity, alimentary bad habit this way consumptions tobacco and alcohol take the population a suffer sharp lumbar, affected to development work carry deteriorate of healthy, We proposer protocol the attention but we patients, identify risk factors, evaluated of nutrition valuation, we was give treatment, we used the study descriptive, we has have the incidence 66,7%, that relationship with the world bibliography, the range of age mare affected was 25-35 years old, so much the alcohol that tobacco es more 80%, It influence the irrigation the intevertebral, the overweight was 88%, we present the pain initial moderate 97%, after the treatment and physiotherapy overcome the pain initial we in advance diagnosis and treatment towards avoid the cronicity complication. The used protocol for attention primary will be avoid complications
The acute low back pain is the first cause the labor absteeis for multiple factors that we population is submit such as physics extremely, backpack overload (20 Kg), obesity, alimentary bad habit this way consumptions tobacco and alcohol take the population a suffer sharp lumbar, affected to development work carry deteriorate of healthy, We proposer protocol the attention but we patients, identify risk factors, evaluated of nutrition valuation, we was give treatment, we used the study descriptive, we has have the incidence 66,7%, that relationship with the world bibliography, the range of age mare affected was 25-35 years old, so much the alcohol that tobacco es more 80%, It influence the irrigation the intevertebral, the overweight was 88%, we present the pain initial moderate 97%, after the treatment and physiotherapy overcome the pain initial we in advance diagnosis and treatment towards avoid the cronicity complication. The used protocol for attention primary will be avoid complications
Palabras clave
Protocolos, Atención al paciente, Lumbalgia, Personal militar, Factores de riesgo, Epidemiología descriptiva, Brigada de Selva-17 Pastaza, Policlínico DISMED, Cantón Puyo, Ecuador