Procesos metodológicos en la construcción del aprendizaje.
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación
El presente proyecto tiene como finalidad investigar, causa, problema en
el contexto educativo, la falta de aplicación de procesos metodológicos en
la construcción del aprendizaje. En la escuela de educación Manuel
Utreras Gómez, dirección barrio 24 de mayo año lectivo 2019 – 2020,
para recopilar información en el marco teórico se aplicará la investigación
bibliográfica, se buscarán, definiciones de variables de estudio. La
metodología será aplicada, mediante la ejecución de campo. Como
instrumentos de recolección de datos se aplicará la encuesta a docentes,
representantes y rector, los resultados serán tabulados, graficados en
tablas estadísticas, para obtener conclusiones. La población, la
conforman directivos, docentes estudiantes, y representante de la
comunidad educativa. La ejecución de la propuesta se realizará. Guía
didáctica de técnicas interactivas como finalidad de mejorar el nivel de
conocimientos de los estudiantes y la calidad, enseñanzas que producirá
cambios significativos y la preparación para su vida y entorno laboral.
The purpose of this project is to investigate, cause, problem in the educational context, the lack of application of methodological processes in the construction of learning. It will be held at the Manuel Utreras Gómez School of Basic Education, address neighborhood May 24 school year 2019 – 2020, to collect information in the theoretical framework will apply bibliographic research, will be searched, definitions of study variables. The methodology will be applied, through field execution. As data collection tools the survey will be applied to teachers, representatives and rectors, the results will be tabulated, plotted in statistical tables, to obtain conclusions. The population is made up of managers, teachers, students and representatives of the educational community. The execution the proposal will be carried out, didactic guide of interactive techniques to improve the level of knowledge of students to raise the quality and teaching, which will produce
The purpose of this project is to investigate, cause, problem in the educational context, the lack of application of methodological processes in the construction of learning. It will be held at the Manuel Utreras Gómez School of Basic Education, address neighborhood May 24 school year 2019 – 2020, to collect information in the theoretical framework will apply bibliographic research, will be searched, definitions of study variables. The methodology will be applied, through field execution. As data collection tools the survey will be applied to teachers, representatives and rectors, the results will be tabulated, plotted in statistical tables, to obtain conclusions. The population is made up of managers, teachers, students and representatives of the educational community. The execution the proposal will be carried out, didactic guide of interactive techniques to improve the level of knowledge of students to raise the quality and teaching, which will produce
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