Vaginosis bacteriana en mujeres de 13 a 45 años y causas asociadas
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Graduados
La Vaginosis Bacteriana es un proceso inflamatorio de la mucosa vaginal que
por lo general suele acompañarse de un aumento en la secreción de la vagina. Esta
inflamación es causada principalmente por el desequilibrio de la flora habitual que
está presente en la vagina y cuya función es la de regular el pH de la misma. La
etiología más frecuente de este tipo de inflamación es la infecciosa y los síntomas más frecuentes son el aumento de la secreción o flujo vaginal intenso, el prurito
genital y malestar. Esta patología al principio no presenta mayores problemas de
salud, pero puede causar incomodidad y disminuir el placer sexual. El objetivo de
este trabajo de investigación es Identificar las causas asociadas a la vaginosis
bacteriana en mujeres de 13 a 45 años atendidas en la Fundación CEMOPLAF N°6 en el primer semestre del 2016. Es un estudio retrospectivo donde se incluyeron 300
casos de mujeres de 13 a 45 años que presentaron vaginosis bacteriana. Se realizará
un estudio epidemiológico observacional analítico, transversal y retrospectivo de
casos, para establecer la relación entre las causas asociadas y el número de mujeres
de 13 a 45 años que presentaron Vaginosis Bacteriana. La edad de inicio de las relaciones sexuales, el número de parejas sexuales, los anticonceptivos hormonales y
el uso de duchas vaginales fueron las causas principales que presentaron las mujeres
en estudio. Por todo lo expuesto propongo un programa educativo dirigido a mujeres
de 13 a 45 años con la finalidad de prevenir la Vaginosis bacteriana.
Bacterial vaginosis is an inflammatory process of the vaginal mucosa which is generally accompanied by an increase in the secretion of the vagina. This inflammation is mainly caused by an imbalance of the usual flora found in the vagina that regulates its pH. The most frequent etiology of this type of inflammation is infectious and the most frequent symptoms are an increase in the secretion, intense vaginal discharge, genital itching, and discomfort. This disease doesn’t cause major health issues at first, but it may cause discomfort and a decreased sexual pleasure. The objective of this research work is to identify the causes associated with bacterial vaginosis in 13 to 45-year-old women treated in the CEMOPLAF N°6 Foundation in the first semester of the year 2016. It is a retrospective study in which 300 cases of bacterial vaginosis found in 13 to 45-year-old women were evaluated. An analytical, cross-sectional, retrospective, observational and epidemiological study of cases will take place in order to establish the relationship between the associated causes and the number of 13 to 45-year-old women which had cases of bacterial vaginosis. The age at which they first had sexual intercourse, the number of sexual partners they have had, hormonal contraceptives, and vaginal douching were the main causes present in the evaluated women. For all the above I propose an educational program aimed at women aged 13 to 45 years in order to prevent bacterial vaginosis
Bacterial vaginosis is an inflammatory process of the vaginal mucosa which is generally accompanied by an increase in the secretion of the vagina. This inflammation is mainly caused by an imbalance of the usual flora found in the vagina that regulates its pH. The most frequent etiology of this type of inflammation is infectious and the most frequent symptoms are an increase in the secretion, intense vaginal discharge, genital itching, and discomfort. This disease doesn’t cause major health issues at first, but it may cause discomfort and a decreased sexual pleasure. The objective of this research work is to identify the causes associated with bacterial vaginosis in 13 to 45-year-old women treated in the CEMOPLAF N°6 Foundation in the first semester of the year 2016. It is a retrospective study in which 300 cases of bacterial vaginosis found in 13 to 45-year-old women were evaluated. An analytical, cross-sectional, retrospective, observational and epidemiological study of cases will take place in order to establish the relationship between the associated causes and the number of 13 to 45-year-old women which had cases of bacterial vaginosis. The age at which they first had sexual intercourse, the number of sexual partners they have had, hormonal contraceptives, and vaginal douching were the main causes present in the evaluated women. For all the above I propose an educational program aimed at women aged 13 to 45 years in order to prevent bacterial vaginosis
Palabras clave
Vaginosis bacteriana, Causalidad, Anticonceptivos, Epidemiología descriptiva, Estudios retrospectivos, Programas educativos, Fundación CEMOPLAF N°6, Cantón Esmeraldas, Ecuador