Incidencia del trabajo de parto pretérmino en pacientes con embarazo gemelar en el Hospital Gineco-Obstétrico Enrique C. Sotomayor de septiembre del 2012 a febrero del 2013
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Carrera de Obstetricia
La presente investigación fue realizada con el objetivo de identificar los factores de riesgo
más importante que se asocian a una alta Incidencia del Trabajo de Parto Pretérmino en
Pacientes con Embarazo Gemelar en el Hospital Gineco-Obstétrico Enrique C. Sotomayor
de Septiembre del 2012 a Febrero del 2013. Para obtener los datos necesarios se utilizaron
encuestas mediante el estudio que se realizó analizando la información brindada de las
pacientes atendidas durante el período de Septiembre del 2012 a Febrero del 2013, la
misma que fue tabulada en cuadros, gráficos, para cada una de las variables en estudio, así
como la combinación entre las mismas, para su análisis e interpretación. Algunos resultados
obtenidos en esta investigación mostraron que el trabajo de parto pretérmino en pacientes
con embarazo gemelar se produce con mayor frecuencia en pacientes multíparas y el factor
de riesgo por el cual se produce el trabajo de parto pretérmino es debido a las
modificaciones cervicales. Una de las conclusiones que se obtuvo mediante este estudio es
que las gestantes gemelares no tienen conocimiento de las complicaciones y los factores de
riesgo más frecuentes del trabajo de parto pretérmino y la suma importancia que tienen los
controles prenatales y que si se diagnostican a tiempo los factores de riesgo puede culminar
con éxito el embarazo y no correría tanto riesgo de que haya una morbimortalidad neonatal.
Palabras Claves: Trabajo de parto pretérmino, Embarazo gemelar, Multípara,
Modificaciones cervicales, Morbimortalidad neonatal.
This research was conducted with the objective of identifying the most important risk factors associated with high incidence of Preterm Labor in Patients with twin Pregnancy at the “Hospital Gineco-Obstétrico Enrique C. Sotomayor” from September 2012 to February 2013. To obtain necessary data surveys were used by the study performed analyzing information given by the patients treated from September 2012 to February 2013, which were tabulated in charts and graphs for each one of the variables, as well as the combination between both, for their analysis and interpretation. Some results obtained in this research showed that preterm labor in patients with twin pregnancy is produced more frequently in multiparous patients and the risk factor that produces preterm labor is because of cervical modifications. One of the conclusions that were obtained by this research is that pregnant patients carrying twins don’t have any knowledge about complications and risk factors common in preterm labor and the huge importance that prenatal controls have and that if risk factors are diagnosed early, pregnancy could finish successfully and the chances of neonatal morbid-mortality would be lower.
This research was conducted with the objective of identifying the most important risk factors associated with high incidence of Preterm Labor in Patients with twin Pregnancy at the “Hospital Gineco-Obstétrico Enrique C. Sotomayor” from September 2012 to February 2013. To obtain necessary data surveys were used by the study performed analyzing information given by the patients treated from September 2012 to February 2013, which were tabulated in charts and graphs for each one of the variables, as well as the combination between both, for their analysis and interpretation. Some results obtained in this research showed that preterm labor in patients with twin pregnancy is produced more frequently in multiparous patients and the risk factor that produces preterm labor is because of cervical modifications. One of the conclusions that were obtained by this research is that pregnant patients carrying twins don’t have any knowledge about complications and risk factors common in preterm labor and the huge importance that prenatal controls have and that if risk factors are diagnosed early, pregnancy could finish successfully and the chances of neonatal morbid-mortality would be lower.
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