Cuantificación de la psicoprofilaxis obstétrica en adolescentes embarazadas atendidas en el Hospital Gineco Obstétrico Enrique C. Sotomayor durante el período de febrero del 2012 a julio del 2012 en Guayaquil - Ecuador
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Carrera de Obstetricia
La gestación es un proceso fisiológico que la mujer puede gozar, pero la suma de
factores como temor al dolor, ansiedad y tensión conlleva a embarazos no deseados en
adolescentes entre 11-19 años de edad, lo cual convierte a esta etapa de gestación en un
hecho traumático que a muchas les cuesta sobrellevar. Ecuador es el segundo país en
América Latina con embarazos de adolescente. Más del 17% de las jóvenes
ecuatorianas entre 15 y 19 años son madres (15). Este país tiene un elevado índice de
mujeres adolescentes con hijos, debido principalmente a la alta tasa en falta de
preparación a nivel de educacional, por razones culturales o por la sociedad y sus malas
influencias que llevan a las adolescentes a llevar una vida sexual activa a temprana edad
y sin tomar ningún tipo de cuidado, planificación o responsabilidad. El objetivo de la
tesis es determinar la importancia del programa de Psicoprofilaxis Obstétrica en la
conducta de las adolescentes embarazadas, con la finalidad de demostrar que este
programa contribuye a lograr una buena actitud en la gestante adolescente. Para la
presente investigación recogeremos los datos del Hospital Gineco Obstétrico Enrique C.
Sotomayor que se encuentra ubicado en las calles Pedro Pablo Gómez y 6 de Marzo en
la ciudad de Guayaquil, provincia del Guayas, cantón Guayaquil, parroquia Bolívar,
región Costa, país Ecuador. Este trabajo es de tipo deductivo, analítico, descriptivo. Con
un universo de 3637 gestantes adolescentes y una muestra de 41 embarazadas que
recibieron la preparación de Psicoprofilaxis Obstétrica desde Febrero del 2012 a Julio
del 2012.
Pregnancy is a physiological process that women can enjoy, but the sum of factors such as fear of pain, anxiety and tension leads to unwanted pregnancies in adolescents aged 11-19 years old, which makes this stage of gestation in a traumatic event that many find it difficult to cope. Ecuador is the second country in Latin America with teen pregnancies. Over 17% of the Ecuadorian youth between 15 and 19 are mothers (15). This country has a high rate of adolescent women with children, mainly due to the high rate unpreparedness educational level, for cultural reasons or society and its evil influences that lead teens to be sexually active early and without taking any care, planning or liability. The aim of the thesis is to determine the importance of Obstetric Psicoprofilaxis program in the behavior of pregnant teenagers, in order to prove that this program contributes to a good attitude in the pregnant adolescent. In the present study will collect data Enrique C. Obstetric and Gynecology Hospital Sotomayor is located in the streets Pedro Pablo Gomez and March 6 in the city of Guayaquil, Guayas Province, Canton of Guayaquil, parish Bolivar Coast region, country Ecuador. This work is of a deductive, analytical, descriptive. With a universe of 3637 pregnant adolescents and a sample of 41 pregnant women receiving obstetric Psicoprofilaxis preparation from February 2012 to July 2012.
Pregnancy is a physiological process that women can enjoy, but the sum of factors such as fear of pain, anxiety and tension leads to unwanted pregnancies in adolescents aged 11-19 years old, which makes this stage of gestation in a traumatic event that many find it difficult to cope. Ecuador is the second country in Latin America with teen pregnancies. Over 17% of the Ecuadorian youth between 15 and 19 are mothers (15). This country has a high rate of adolescent women with children, mainly due to the high rate unpreparedness educational level, for cultural reasons or society and its evil influences that lead teens to be sexually active early and without taking any care, planning or liability. The aim of the thesis is to determine the importance of Obstetric Psicoprofilaxis program in the behavior of pregnant teenagers, in order to prove that this program contributes to a good attitude in the pregnant adolescent. In the present study will collect data Enrique C. Obstetric and Gynecology Hospital Sotomayor is located in the streets Pedro Pablo Gomez and March 6 in the city of Guayaquil, Guayas Province, Canton of Guayaquil, parish Bolivar Coast region, country Ecuador. This work is of a deductive, analytical, descriptive. With a universe of 3637 pregnant adolescents and a sample of 41 pregnant women receiving obstetric Psicoprofilaxis preparation from February 2012 to July 2012.
Palabras clave
Embarazo en adolescencia, Psicoprofilaxis obstétrica, Adolescente, Buen vivir, Hospital Gineco-Obstétrico Enrique C. Sotomayor, Cantón Guayaquil, Ecuador