Incidencia del vih en embarazadas de 15 -40 años, Hospital Dr. Abel Gilbert Pontón septiembre 2.012 –febrero 2.013
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Carrera de Obstetricia
El Virus del VIH o también llamado Virus Inmuno deficiencia humana es miembro
de la familia Retroviridae, y de la subfamilia Lentivirus. Se transmite por Contacto
sexual, vía sanguínea, vía perinatal. El propósito de esta investigación fue conocer la
incidencia del virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana en las embarazadas atendidas en
el Hospital Abel Gilbert Ponton en el departamento Clínica VIH en el periodo
septiembre 2.012 a febrero 2.013, así como determinar qué tipo de tratamiento
antirretroviral han recibido las pacientes y que enfermedades intercurrentes se
presentan en las pacientes embarazadas. Para realizar esta investigación se ha
considerado el universo constituido por 1.159 gestantes que acudieron a este centro
hospitalario durante el periodo de estudio y la muestra que fue de 57 pacientes que
tuvieron el diagnóstico de VIH positivo representa un porcentaje 5%, las mismas
que presentan enfermedades intercurrentes durante el embarazo de las cuales llama
la atención el virus de papiloma humano que se observó en un 50%. El tipo de
investigación fue retrospectivo y descriptivo de corte transversal, no experimental;
los instrumentos utilizados fueron los expedientes de las pacientes embarazadas con
el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana.
The HIV virus or also called Human Immunodeficiency Virus is a member of the Retroviridae family, and of the Lentivirus subfamily. It is transmitted by Contact sexual, blood, perinatal route. The purpose of this research was to know the incidence of Human Immunodeficiency virus in pregnant women seen in Abel Gilbert Ponton Hospital in the HIV Clinic department in the period September 2012 to February 2013, as well as determining what type of treatment patients have received antiretroviral drugs and what intercurrent diseases have present in pregnant patients. To carry out this research, Considered the universe made up of 1,159 pregnant women who came to this center during the study period and the sample of 57 patients who they had a positive HIV diagnosis representing a 5% percentage, the same who have intercurrent diseases during pregnancy of which it calls Attention the human papilloma virus that was observed in 50%. The kind of Research was retrospective and descriptive in cross section, not experimental; the instruments used were the files of pregnant patients with the human immunodeficiency virus.
The HIV virus or also called Human Immunodeficiency Virus is a member of the Retroviridae family, and of the Lentivirus subfamily. It is transmitted by Contact sexual, blood, perinatal route. The purpose of this research was to know the incidence of Human Immunodeficiency virus in pregnant women seen in Abel Gilbert Ponton Hospital in the HIV Clinic department in the period September 2012 to February 2013, as well as determining what type of treatment patients have received antiretroviral drugs and what intercurrent diseases have present in pregnant patients. To carry out this research, Considered the universe made up of 1,159 pregnant women who came to this center during the study period and the sample of 57 patients who they had a positive HIV diagnosis representing a 5% percentage, the same who have intercurrent diseases during pregnancy of which it calls Attention the human papilloma virus that was observed in 50%. The kind of Research was retrospective and descriptive in cross section, not experimental; the instruments used were the files of pregnant patients with the human immunodeficiency virus.
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