Frecuencia de perforaciones uterinas en el Hospital Gineco-Obstétrico Enrique C. Sotomayor años 2007-2013
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Carrera de Obstetricia
La perforación uterina es una lesión en las paredes del útero que pueden ocurrir como consecuencias de legrado uterinos instrumentales, inserciones de DIU y otros, y que son motivos de atención en la emergencia obstétrica. Para tener un registro de la frecuencia de este cuadro realizamos un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, en el que se revisaron 157 expedientes del total de 5015 pacientes que ingresaron con diagnóstico de sangramiento durante el periodo comprendido del año 2007-2013. Se estudian las siguientes variables: Variable Dependiente: Prevalencia de Perforaciones Uterinas. Variable Independiente: Edad Cronológica, Legrado Uterino Instrumental, Aborto Provocado, Inserción de Diu. Obteniendo como resultados que la incidencia de perforación uterina fue el 0.031 por ciento de los 157 casos, 80 que representan con el 51 por ciento del total de la muestra en estudio corresponden a legrado uterino instrumental con lesión de órganos. En relación a la edad cronológica se observaron 25 casos de pacientes en edades de 32 a 35 (16%). En relación a perforación uterina de fallas en la inserción del Diu, se observaron 59 casos que representan el 38% de los casos estudiados. Se concluye que el aborto instrumental en condiciones de riesgo es la causa principal de perforación uterina como factor fundamental que además aumenta los riesgos de morbilidad materna por lesiones a otros órganos.
Uterine perforation is injury to the lining of the uterus that can occur as a consequence of uterine curettage instrumental IUD insertions and other, and are grounds for emergency obstetric care. To keep track of the frequency of this table we conducted a cross-sectional descriptive study, in which 157 records were reviewed of all 5015 patients admitted with a diagnosis of bleeding during the period of the year 2007-2013. We study the following variables: Dependent Variable: Prevalence of Uterine Perforations. Independent Variable: Chronological Age, Instrumental Curettage, Induced Abortion, Chroma Diu. Data analysis showed that the incidence of uterine perforation was 0.031 percent of the 157 cases, representing 80 to 51 percent of the study sample are sharp curettage with organ damage. In relation to chronological age were observed in 25 cases of patients aged 32-35 (16%). In relation to uterine perforation faults in Diu insertion, there were 59 cases representing 38% of cases concluded that abortion estudiados. Se instrumental in hazardous conditions is the leading cause of uterine perforation as a fundamental factor also increases maternal morbidity risks for injury to other organs.
Uterine perforation is injury to the lining of the uterus that can occur as a consequence of uterine curettage instrumental IUD insertions and other, and are grounds for emergency obstetric care. To keep track of the frequency of this table we conducted a cross-sectional descriptive study, in which 157 records were reviewed of all 5015 patients admitted with a diagnosis of bleeding during the period of the year 2007-2013. We study the following variables: Dependent Variable: Prevalence of Uterine Perforations. Independent Variable: Chronological Age, Instrumental Curettage, Induced Abortion, Chroma Diu. Data analysis showed that the incidence of uterine perforation was 0.031 percent of the 157 cases, representing 80 to 51 percent of the study sample are sharp curettage with organ damage. In relation to chronological age were observed in 25 cases of patients aged 32-35 (16%). In relation to uterine perforation faults in Diu insertion, there were 59 cases representing 38% of cases concluded that abortion estudiados. Se instrumental in hazardous conditions is the leading cause of uterine perforation as a fundamental factor also increases maternal morbidity risks for injury to other organs.
Palabras clave
Perforación uterina, Aborto, Dilatación y legrado uterino, Morbilidad, Epidemiología descriptiva, Hospital Gineco-Obstétrico Enrique C. Sotomayor, Cantón Guayaquil, Ecuador