Beneficios de la psicoprofilaxis obstétrica en adolescentes embarazadas y propuesta de un protocolo de manejo. Hospital Dra. Matilde Hidalgo de Procel de Septiembre de 2012 a Febrero del 2013
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Carrera de Obstetricia
La presente investigación trata sobre cómo influye la falta de información durante el
embarazo y preparación para el parto en las adolescentes embarazadas y tiene como
objetivo implementar un protocolo de manejo de Preparación Psicoprofiláctica de
embarazos en adolescentes, con el fin de cambiar esquemas, actitudes y patrones
conductuales preestablecidos en relación a la percepción del Parto como un proceso
gineco-obstétrico traumático. La investigación es de tipo descriptiva, exploratoria y
explicativa y su diseño es documental, bibliográfico, prospectivo y transversal. El
universo de la investigación fue de 1437 pacientes y la muestra fue de 754 embarazadas
adolescentes de 10-19 años, en un periodo de 6 meses de septiembre del 2012 a febrero
del 2013 en el Hospital Materno Infantil Dra. Matilde Hidalgo De Procel en el área de
CAPFUS (Centro Adolescentes Promoviendo Un Futuro Seguro) lugar en el cual se
encuesto a 100 pacientes adolescentes embarazadas para recopilación de datos y se dio
charlas a un grupo de 30 adolescentes sobre psicoprofilaxis obstétrica, los resultados de
las encuestas reflejaron que el embarazo en adolescente se da en todas las edades
especialmente en un grupo de 16-19 años y que hay deficiencia en la información de
usos de métodos anticonceptivos ya que la mayor parte de adolescentes embarazadas
nunca utilizaron un método anticonceptivo, el 85% desconoce sobre la psicoprofilaxis
obstétrica y el 93% desea recibir preparación psicoprofiláctica en su embarazo, el
resultado de las charlas es positivo ya que el 100% de las adolescentes que escucharon
la charla consideraron buena la charla y respondieron que después de esta se despejaron
sus dudas sobre el temor al parto y aprendieron técnicas que les ayudaran para el
momento del mismo y 83% después de esta respondieron que desean tener un parto por
vía vaginal. Como conclusión del presente trabajo podemos decir que la preparación
psicoprofiláctica es un método eficaz, que garantiza la calidad de vida en las embarazas
y mejora las expectativas de un parto traumático para que de esta manera la paciente,
sus familiares y el personal médico vivan el momento en óptimas condiciones.
Palabras claves: embarazo en adolescentes, beneficios de la psicoprofilaxis obstétrica,
preparación psicoprofiláctica.
This research is about how the lack of information influences during pregnancy and childbirth in pregnant teens and aims to implement a management protocol psychoprophylactic preparation of teenage pregnancy, in order to change patterns, attitudes and patterns preset behavioral perception regarding birth as a traumatic obstetric and gynecological process. The research is descriptive, exploratory and explanatory and is designed in documents, books, prospective cross. The universe of the research was to 1437, 754 patients who are pregnant teenagers aged 10-19, 451 births to adolescents of the same age and 232 cesarean sections of this same group over a period of six months from September 2012 to February 2013 Maternal and Child Hospital Dra. Matilde Hidalgo De Procel in CAPFUS area (Teen Center Promoting A Safe Future) place in which 100 patients surveyed pregnant teens for collecting data and gave talks to a group of 30 teenagers on obstetrical psycho, the survey results reflected that teenage pregnancy occurs in all ages especially in a group of 16 to 19 years and that there is deficiency in the information and use of contraceptive methods that most pregnant teenagers never used a contraceptive method, 85% do not know about the psycho obstetric and 93% want to receive psycho-prophylactic preparation in pregnancy, the outcome of the talks is positive because 100% of the teenagers who heard the lecture considered good talk and responded that after this is cleared doubts regarding fear of childbirth and learned techniques that will help the time the same and 83% after that said they want to have a vaginal delivery. As a conclusion of this study we can say that psycho-prophylactic preparation is an effective method, which guarantees the quality of life in pregnant and improved expectations for a traumatic birth so the patient, family and medical staff to live the moment in good condition.
This research is about how the lack of information influences during pregnancy and childbirth in pregnant teens and aims to implement a management protocol psychoprophylactic preparation of teenage pregnancy, in order to change patterns, attitudes and patterns preset behavioral perception regarding birth as a traumatic obstetric and gynecological process. The research is descriptive, exploratory and explanatory and is designed in documents, books, prospective cross. The universe of the research was to 1437, 754 patients who are pregnant teenagers aged 10-19, 451 births to adolescents of the same age and 232 cesarean sections of this same group over a period of six months from September 2012 to February 2013 Maternal and Child Hospital Dra. Matilde Hidalgo De Procel in CAPFUS area (Teen Center Promoting A Safe Future) place in which 100 patients surveyed pregnant teens for collecting data and gave talks to a group of 30 teenagers on obstetrical psycho, the survey results reflected that teenage pregnancy occurs in all ages especially in a group of 16 to 19 years and that there is deficiency in the information and use of contraceptive methods that most pregnant teenagers never used a contraceptive method, 85% do not know about the psycho obstetric and 93% want to receive psycho-prophylactic preparation in pregnancy, the outcome of the talks is positive because 100% of the teenagers who heard the lecture considered good talk and responded that after this is cleared doubts regarding fear of childbirth and learned techniques that will help the time the same and 83% after that said they want to have a vaginal delivery. As a conclusion of this study we can say that psycho-prophylactic preparation is an effective method, which guarantees the quality of life in pregnant and improved expectations for a traumatic birth so the patient, family and medical staff to live the moment in good condition.
Palabras clave
Embarazo, Adolescente, Psicoprofilaxis obstétrica, Metodos anticonceptivos, Hospital Materno Infantil Dra. Matilde Hidalgo de Procel, Cantón Guayaquil, Ecuador