Consecuencias del consumo de hachís en adolescentes embarazadas del 1er trimestre en edades comprendida desde 14 - 16 en el Hospital Matilde Hidalgo de Procel durante el período de mayo del 2015 febrero del 2016
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Carrera de Obstetricia
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo principal concientizar a las usuarias de gestación en su primer mes de embarazo, evitar el consumo de una droga denominada ¨Hachís¨ la misma sustancia que afecta al desarrollo fetal presentando anomalías y casos críticos en el desarrollo del embarazo, esta investigación está dirigida específicamente a usuarias que oscilen en 14 y 16 años, enfocado en esta edad por la falta de conocimiento, por tal razón se tomara datos estadísticos que revelen los resultados de aquella problemática.. En breves líneas se hará un preámbulo de lo que consiste la droga hachís mencionando que es una sustancia obtenida de la resina de plantas del cannabis a través de procesos químicos. También llegan al consumidor en pequeños cuadrados envueltos en papel de aluminio. El efecto más evidente en consumidores de hachís es somnolencia, irritabilidad, sedantes, distorsión del tiempo, vértigo, entre otros. Al concluir esta investigación se determinara a través de aquellos datos estadísticos que se va adquirir en el Hospital Materno Infantil Matilde Hidalgo de Procel, desde Mayo 2015 a Febrero del 2016, los mismos que serán recopilados de la consulta externa bajo la valoración clínica de las pacientes. El primer capítulo está enfocado en establecer los objetivos generales y específicos, la hipótesis, variables y todo el encabezado para llegar a su conclusión y saber identificar aquella propuesta. En el segundo capítulo se desarrollara el marco teórico quien nos proporcionara información veraz y concisa para informar a las usuarios de cuáles son las consecuencias, causas que se presentan por consumir esta droga que ocasiona daños al feto. En el tercer capítulo se detallaran aquellos datos estadísticos que nos llevara a la conclusión y resultados de cuantos serian en su totalidad de usuarias que ingresen con este caso. En el cuarto capítulo se detalla la propuesta con la cual se puede prevenir que aquellas jóvenes desistan de consumir drogas durante el periodo de gestación. Por último se concluye este trabajo con sus respectivas conclusiones y recomendaciones.
This research has as main objective to raise awareness of gestation users in hers first month of pregnancy, avoid taking a drug called “hashish”, this substance affects fetal development and induce critical cases presenting anomalies in the development of pregnancy, this research is aimed specifically to users who hover 14 and 16 years, focused on this age by the lack of knowledge, for this reason statistical data revealing the results of that problem is taken. In this final work will apply the methodological procedures and techniques that will help the development of it. It will be a short mention about what specifically is the “hashish” drug; which is a substance obtained from plants of cannabis resin through chemical processes. Hashish is sold in different ways, this can be as blocks, balls, etc. Also, they reach the final consumer into small squares wrapped in foil. The most obvious effect on hashish consumers is drowsiness, irritability, sedation, time distortion, vertigo, and others. At the conclusion of this research is determined through those statistical data to be acquired at Mother and Child Hospital Matilde Hidalgo de Procel, from June to April 2016, that will be collected from the outpatient clinic under the patients clinical assessment. The first chapter is focused on establishing the general and specific objectives, hypothesis, variables and all the header to reach its conclusion and be able to identify the proposal. In the second chapter, the theoretical framework provide us with accurate and concise information for the users whith information like consequences and causes by consuming this drug, that causes harm to the fetus. In the third chapter those statistics take us to the conclusion and results of those would be in full users entering this case detailing. In the fourth chapter the proposal which can prevent those young desist from using drugs during gestation period is detailed. Finally this work with their respective conclusions and recommendations conclude.
This research has as main objective to raise awareness of gestation users in hers first month of pregnancy, avoid taking a drug called “hashish”, this substance affects fetal development and induce critical cases presenting anomalies in the development of pregnancy, this research is aimed specifically to users who hover 14 and 16 years, focused on this age by the lack of knowledge, for this reason statistical data revealing the results of that problem is taken. In this final work will apply the methodological procedures and techniques that will help the development of it. It will be a short mention about what specifically is the “hashish” drug; which is a substance obtained from plants of cannabis resin through chemical processes. Hashish is sold in different ways, this can be as blocks, balls, etc. Also, they reach the final consumer into small squares wrapped in foil. The most obvious effect on hashish consumers is drowsiness, irritability, sedation, time distortion, vertigo, and others. At the conclusion of this research is determined through those statistical data to be acquired at Mother and Child Hospital Matilde Hidalgo de Procel, from June to April 2016, that will be collected from the outpatient clinic under the patients clinical assessment. The first chapter is focused on establishing the general and specific objectives, hypothesis, variables and all the header to reach its conclusion and be able to identify the proposal. In the second chapter, the theoretical framework provide us with accurate and concise information for the users whith information like consequences and causes by consuming this drug, that causes harm to the fetus. In the third chapter those statistics take us to the conclusion and results of those would be in full users entering this case detailing. In the fourth chapter the proposal which can prevent those young desist from using drugs during gestation period is detailed. Finally this work with their respective conclusions and recommendations conclude.
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