Principales causas de vaginosis bacteriana en embarazadas de 20-30 años de edad en pacientes del Hospital Materno Infantil Matilde Hidalgo de Procel de mayo 2015 a marzo 2016
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Carrera de Obstetricia
El presente trabajo de investigación sobre las causas principales de vaginosis bacteriana en embarazadas, se realizó un estudio de tipo descriptivo, retrospectivo y analítico, con la finalidad de determinar las causas principales de vaginosis bacteriana en usuarias embarazadas de 20 a 30 años de edad en el Hospital Materno Infantil Matilde Hidalgo De Procel. Se encontró una muestra representativa de 130 usuarias que presentaron vaginosis bacteriana durante su gestación, determinando como primera causa los cambios fisiológicos que ocurren durante el embarazo con un 46,15%, seguido por el antecedente de riesgo obstétrico con el 19,23% al igual que el uso de anticonceptivos mecánicos y otra causa principal el inicio precoz de las relaciones sexuales con el 15,38%.La vaginosis bacteriana es una de las causa de flujo vaginal anormal o leucorrea en la mujer en edad reproductiva. Está presente en el 25-35% de las pacientes que acuden a las consultas ginecológicas o de enfermedades de transmisión sexual. Durante la infección por vaginosis bacteriana las gestantes presentaron complicaciones en el embarazo siendo amenaza de parto prematuro con el 70,77%, amenaza de aborto y rotura prematuras de menbrana con el 12,31% y corioamnionitis con el 4,62% .La edad media de nuestra serie fue de 26 a 28 años con el 41,53% y con una relación estable 88,46%, son primigesta o multíparas con controles prenatales subsecuentes el 69,23%. La vaginosis bacteriana se relaciona con patologías obstétricas, ginecológicas y del tracto urinario. En las gestantes se asocia a rotura prematura de membranas, aborto espontáneo, corioamnionitis y endometritis puerperal. Los centers for Disease Control CDC) recomiendan el tratamiento con Metronidazol 500 mg vía oral 2 veces al día por 7 días o Metronidazol gel 0.75 % (5g) por vía intravaginal durante 7 días; los dos regímenes con Metronidazol son igual de eficaces.
The present research on the main causes of bacterial vaginosis in pregnant women, a study of descriptive, retrospective and analytical type was performed, in order to establish the main causes of bacterial vaginosis in pregnant users 20 to 30 years old at the maternal and child hospital Dra. Matilde Hidalgo de Procel. A reprentative sample of 130 clients who had bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy was found, determining first cause the physiological changes that occur during pregnancy with 46,15%, followed by the history of obstetrical risk with 19,23% as mechanical contraceptive use and other main cause is the early onset of sexual intercourse with 15.38%. Bacterial vaginosis is one of the causes of anormal vaginal discharge or vaginal discharge in women of reproductive age. It is present in 25-35% of patients attending gynecological consultations or sexually transmitted diseases. During bacterial vaginosis infection the expectant mother had complications in pregnancy being preterm labor with 70.77%, threatened abortion and premature rupture of membranes with 12.31% and chorioamnionitis with 4.62%. The average age of our series was 26 to 28 years with 41.53% and 88.46% a stable relationship are primigravida and multiparous with subsequent prenatal visits the 69.23%. Bacterial vaginosis is associated with obstetrical, gynecologic and urinary tract diseases. In pregnant women is associated with premature rupture of membranes, spontaneous abortion, chorioamnionitis and puerperal endometritis. The centers for disease control recommend treatment with metronidazole 500 mg orally 2 times a day for 7 days or metronidazole 0.75% gel (5g) intravaginally for 7 days; both metronidazole regimens are equally effective
The present research on the main causes of bacterial vaginosis in pregnant women, a study of descriptive, retrospective and analytical type was performed, in order to establish the main causes of bacterial vaginosis in pregnant users 20 to 30 years old at the maternal and child hospital Dra. Matilde Hidalgo de Procel. A reprentative sample of 130 clients who had bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy was found, determining first cause the physiological changes that occur during pregnancy with 46,15%, followed by the history of obstetrical risk with 19,23% as mechanical contraceptive use and other main cause is the early onset of sexual intercourse with 15.38%. Bacterial vaginosis is one of the causes of anormal vaginal discharge or vaginal discharge in women of reproductive age. It is present in 25-35% of patients attending gynecological consultations or sexually transmitted diseases. During bacterial vaginosis infection the expectant mother had complications in pregnancy being preterm labor with 70.77%, threatened abortion and premature rupture of membranes with 12.31% and chorioamnionitis with 4.62%. The average age of our series was 26 to 28 years with 41.53% and 88.46% a stable relationship are primigravida and multiparous with subsequent prenatal visits the 69.23%. Bacterial vaginosis is associated with obstetrical, gynecologic and urinary tract diseases. In pregnant women is associated with premature rupture of membranes, spontaneous abortion, chorioamnionitis and puerperal endometritis. The centers for disease control recommend treatment with metronidazole 500 mg orally 2 times a day for 7 days or metronidazole 0.75% gel (5g) intravaginally for 7 days; both metronidazole regimens are equally effective
Palabras clave
Embarazo, Vaginosis bacteriana, Flujo vaginal anormal, Epidemiología descriptiva, Estudios retrospectivos, Hospital Materno Infantil Dra. Matilde Hidalgo de Procel, Cantón Guayaquil, Ecuador