Incidencia de preeclampsia en mujeres de 28 a 35 años atendidas en el Hospital Dra. Matilde Hidalgo de Procel período agosto del 2013 a febrero 2014.
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Carrera de Obstetricia
La presente investigación está enmarcada en la problemática de las embarazadas que presentan preeclampsia , lo que conlleva a las complicaciones del estado de salud tanto de las mismas como de su producto gestacional. La preeclampsia grave se desarrolla en el 5% de las embarazadas, habitualmente en las primigrávidas y en las mujeres con hipertensión o enfermedad vascular preexistente. La incidencia es directamente proporcional a la edad gestacional y aumenta en los casos de gestación múltiple, mola hidatídica e hidramnios. La preeclampsia es una alteración que se presenta a partir de la semana 20 de embarazo. Cursa con hipertensión arterial (valores superiores a 140/90 mmHg) y proteínas en la orina. También puede aparecer edema, aunque no es necesario para hacer el diagnóstico. Hasta el momento, se desconoce cuál es la causa que da origen a esta enfermedad, que puede llegar a ser mortal en sus formas más graves: eclampsia y síndrome de Hellp. Sin embargo, se cree que factores hereditarios o algunas enfermedades están detrás de la preeclampsia. La preeclampsia puede cursar sin síntomas en su manifestación más leve, aunque en la forma más severa de la enfermedad pueden observarse cefaleas, disminución de la frecuencia urinaria, náuseas y vómitos, alteraciones visuales y auditivas, y dolor abdominal, entre otros. En su presentación más severa provoca también convulsiones y coma. La preeclampsia no se cura hasta que se produce el parto, por eso, cuando la situación es grave, hay que adelantar el nacimiento del bebé para que tanto él como su madre no corran más riesgos. Antes del parto, la embarazada puede tratarse con distintos medicamentos hipertensivos, así como con otras medidas, entre las que puede estar el reposo. En los casos más graves se requiere hospitalización. La preeclampsia puede provocar complicaciones muy graves, tanto en la madre como en su hijo. Así, puede haber crecimiento intrauterino retardado y prematuridad. La preeclampsia también aumenta el riesgo de desprendimiento prematuro de placenta, accidentes cerebrovasculares en la madre, hemorragias, problemas renales, e incluso la muerte. La
recolección de datos se realizó a través del método directo de la encuesta, recopilando datos objetivos y subjetivos mediante la valoración de los patrones funcionales de salud y el examen general, con la aplicación del Proceso de Información estadística, debido al elevado número de gestantes con Hipertensión arterial se vio la necesidad de realizar este estudio. Los objetivos de la investigación fueron, determinar la incidencia de la Preeclampsia en gestantes, de 28 a 35 años de edad, registrar los síntomas más frecuentes. La metodología utilizada se basa en el método descriptivo, La población a investigar fueron las gestantes de 28 a 35 años que acudieron a la atención médica del Hospital Dra. Matilde Hidalgo de Procel durante el periodo de seis meses que duró el estudio, y la muestra fue escogida de manera aleatoria utilizando la formula estadística universal para muestra significativa de 60 pacientes, además se aplicó los criterios de inclusión y exclusión para que la muestra sea lo más representativa posible.
This research is framed in the problem of pregnant women with preeclampsia , leading to health complications both of them as gestational product. Severe preeclampsia develops in 5% of pregnant women, usually in primigravidas and women with preexisting hypertension or vascular disease. The incidence is directly proportional to the gestational age and increases in cases of multiple gestation, hydatidiform mole and hydramnios . Preeclampsia is a disorder that occurs after the 20th week of pregnancy. Presents with hypertension ( above 140 /90 mmHg values) and protein in the urine . Edema may also occur , but is not required to make the diagnosis . So far , it is unknown what causes that give rise to this disease, which can be fatal in its most severe forms : eclampsia and HELLP syndrome. However, it is believed that some diseases or hereditary factors behind preeclampsia. Preeclampsia may be present without symptoms in its mildest manifestation , even in the most severe form of the disease can be observed headaches , decreased frequency of urination , nausea and vomiting , visual and auditory disturbances , and abdominal pain, among others. In its most severe presentation also causes convulsions and coma. Preeclampsia is not cured until labor occurs, therefore, when the situation is serious , you have to forward the birth of the baby so he and his mother are not at more risk. Before birth , the pregnant woman can be treated with other antihypertensive drugs , as well as other measures, which may be the rest. In severe cases , hospitalization is required . Preeclampsia can lead to serious complications in both the mother and her child. Thus , there may be intrauterine growth retardation and prematurity. Preeclampsia also increases the risk of premature separation of the placenta, the mother strokes , bleeding , kidney problems, and even death . Data collection was performed using the direct method of the survey , collectingobjective and subjective data by assessing the functional health patterns and the general examination, the application of statistical process information due to the high number of pregnant women with hypertension was the need for this study. The objectives of the research were to determine the incidence of preeclampsia in pregnant women , 28 to 35 years old , record the most frequent symptoms. The methodology is based on the descriptive method , the research population were pregnant 28 to 35 years who presented to medical care of Dr. Matilde Hidalgo Procel Hospital during the six months of the study, and the sample was chosen randomly using the universal formula for meaningful statistical sample of 60 patients, and the inclusion and exclusion criteria was applied to the sample to be as representative as possible .
This research is framed in the problem of pregnant women with preeclampsia , leading to health complications both of them as gestational product. Severe preeclampsia develops in 5% of pregnant women, usually in primigravidas and women with preexisting hypertension or vascular disease. The incidence is directly proportional to the gestational age and increases in cases of multiple gestation, hydatidiform mole and hydramnios . Preeclampsia is a disorder that occurs after the 20th week of pregnancy. Presents with hypertension ( above 140 /90 mmHg values) and protein in the urine . Edema may also occur , but is not required to make the diagnosis . So far , it is unknown what causes that give rise to this disease, which can be fatal in its most severe forms : eclampsia and HELLP syndrome. However, it is believed that some diseases or hereditary factors behind preeclampsia. Preeclampsia may be present without symptoms in its mildest manifestation , even in the most severe form of the disease can be observed headaches , decreased frequency of urination , nausea and vomiting , visual and auditory disturbances , and abdominal pain, among others. In its most severe presentation also causes convulsions and coma. Preeclampsia is not cured until labor occurs, therefore, when the situation is serious , you have to forward the birth of the baby so he and his mother are not at more risk. Before birth , the pregnant woman can be treated with other antihypertensive drugs , as well as other measures, which may be the rest. In severe cases , hospitalization is required . Preeclampsia can lead to serious complications in both the mother and her child. Thus , there may be intrauterine growth retardation and prematurity. Preeclampsia also increases the risk of premature separation of the placenta, the mother strokes , bleeding , kidney problems, and even death . Data collection was performed using the direct method of the survey , collectingobjective and subjective data by assessing the functional health patterns and the general examination, the application of statistical process information due to the high number of pregnant women with hypertension was the need for this study. The objectives of the research were to determine the incidence of preeclampsia in pregnant women , 28 to 35 years old , record the most frequent symptoms. The methodology is based on the descriptive method , the research population were pregnant 28 to 35 years who presented to medical care of Dr. Matilde Hidalgo Procel Hospital during the six months of the study, and the sample was chosen randomly using the universal formula for meaningful statistical sample of 60 patients, and the inclusion and exclusion criteria was applied to the sample to be as representative as possible .
Palabras clave
Preeclampsia, Embarazo, Eclampsia, Proteinuria, Edema, Prematuridad, Hospital Materno Infantil Dra. Matilde Hidalgo de Procel, Cantón Guayaquil, Ecuador