Determinar las consecuencias en el neonato por madres adolescentes infectadas con vih en pacientes atendidas en el Hospital Gineco-Obstétrico Enrique C. Sotomayor,- de noviembre 2013- abril 2014
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Carrera de Obstetricia
El embarazo en adolescentes infectadas con VIH se define como el embarazo en mujeres de 12 a 19 años de edad. El objetivo general de este proyecto es determinar las consecuencias neonatales de madres infectadas con VIH del hospital Enrique C. Sotomayor, mediante revisión de historias clínicas para identificar sus complicaciones. Este proyecto es para ayudar a orientar a las mujeres, a la Salud Pública del país acerca de las consecuencias en los neonatos de pacientes adolescentes con VIH edades de 12 a 19 años de edad. Debido a la ausencia de medidas preventivas, aproximadamente el 35% de los niños y niñas podrían ser infectados. Se estima que, de ese total, serán infectados el 7% durante el embarazo, el 13% durante el parto y el 15% a través de la leche materna. Sin medidas preventivas la tasa de transmisión materna infantil reportada en los países en desarrollo varía de 25% a 48%. Con la incorporación de antirretrovirales, adhesión al tratamiento, más la sustitución de la lactancia materna y en los casos indicados, con cesárea se ha evidenciado una tasa de transmisión inferior al 2%. Se obtuvo como muestra 21 pacientes desde noviembre hasta abril corresponde el 67% con distres respiratorio, 24% con bajo peso al nacer y el 9% diarreas concluimos que el mayor porcentaje es distres respiratorio Con todos estos datos que recopilamos poder así guiar, orientar, concientizar a nuestras pacientes en el riesgo que se puede llegar a tener un embarazo en sus condiciones. Palabras claves: Madres Adolescentes, VIH, Distres Respiratorio, Bajo Peso al nacer.
Pregnancy in adolescents infected with HIV is defined as pregnancy in women aged 12 to 19 years old. The overall objective of this project is to determine the consequences of neonatal HIV-infected parents Enrique C. Sotomayor hospital by medical record review to identify complications. This project is to help guide women to the public health of the country about the consequences in infants of HIV-positive adolescents ages 12 to 19 years old. Due to the absence of preventive measures, approximately 35% of children could be infected. It is estimated that, of these, 7% are infected during pregnancy, 13% during labor and 15% through breast milk. Without preventive measures the rate of mother to child transmission reported in developing countries ranges from 25% to 48%. With the addition of antiretroviral treatment adherence, replacing more breastfeeding and when indicated, with caesarean section has shown a lower rate to 2%. Was obtained as shown in 21 patients from November to April abortions with a corresponding 67% with respiratory distress, 24% with low birth weight and 9% in diarrhea conclude that the highest percentage we is respiratory distress With all these data we collect able to guide orient, sensitize our risk patients who can have a pregnancy in their conditions. Keywor: Respiratory Distress, Low Birth Weight, HIV.
Pregnancy in adolescents infected with HIV is defined as pregnancy in women aged 12 to 19 years old. The overall objective of this project is to determine the consequences of neonatal HIV-infected parents Enrique C. Sotomayor hospital by medical record review to identify complications. This project is to help guide women to the public health of the country about the consequences in infants of HIV-positive adolescents ages 12 to 19 years old. Due to the absence of preventive measures, approximately 35% of children could be infected. It is estimated that, of these, 7% are infected during pregnancy, 13% during labor and 15% through breast milk. Without preventive measures the rate of mother to child transmission reported in developing countries ranges from 25% to 48%. With the addition of antiretroviral treatment adherence, replacing more breastfeeding and when indicated, with caesarean section has shown a lower rate to 2%. Was obtained as shown in 21 patients from November to April abortions with a corresponding 67% with respiratory distress, 24% with low birth weight and 9% in diarrhea conclude that the highest percentage we is respiratory distress With all these data we collect able to guide orient, sensitize our risk patients who can have a pregnancy in their conditions. Keywor: Respiratory Distress, Low Birth Weight, HIV.
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