Factores etiológicos de la cesárea iterativa en mujeres de adolescencia tardía Hospital Materno Infantil Dra. Matilde Hidalgo de Procel durante el período enero 2014 a enero 2015 de forma indirecta
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Carrera de Medicina
El embarazo en adolescentes es un problema latente en el país; la adolescencia es una etapa de muchos cambios: físicos, emocionales y afectivos que repercuten en las interacciones familiares y sociales. Si una adolescente se embaraza, de alguna manera, frena y paraliza su normal desarrollo y no logra la madurez en todos los factores mencionados .A diario se presentan alrededor de 30 adolescentes embarazadas en la Maternidad Matilde HIDALGO DE PROCEL ya sea para recibir control prenatal en el área de consulta externa a o en el área de emergencia presentando amenaza de parto inmaduro o síndromes hipertensivos del embarazo por lo cual muchas de estas veces se decide a finalizar el embarazo a través de parto por cesárea.
Según el Dr. Pedro Jiménez director de la Maternidad MATILDE HIDALGO DE PROCEL; el 30% de pacientes que acude al control prenatal en consulta externa corresponde a adolescentes.
Asumir la maternidad, en una edad en la que todavía no se ha asumido completamente la propia identidad, hace que la situación Q se torne y, excepto en algunos casos, sea catastrófica.
Está claro q la problemática de la tesis es el aumento de los embarazos en mujeres adolescentes
los cuales actualmente son causa de controversia no solo en ecuador si no en el mundo está
demás establecer q después del embarazo en las adolescentes q desde luego aun no cumplen la
madurez física necesaria para ese gasto fisiológico q es llamado embarazo acarrea una serie de
problemas q con llevan a este embarazo a terminar en un parto por cesárea de lo cual nos
interesa destacar las etologías más frecuentes en nuestro medio en el periodo 2014 a enero 2015
teniendo como dato estadístico la casa de salud maternidad Matilde Hidalgo de Procel cabe
también la pena recalcar q no todos los embarazos en adolescentes llegan a la finalización del
mismo con extracción del producto nacido vivo sea por la vía q fuese si no q es un verdadero
logro o milagro q culminen el embarazo estás adolescentes en especial las menores de 16 años.
Teenage pregnancy is a latent problem in the country; Adolescence is a stage of many changes: physical, emotional, and affective that affect family and social interactions. If an adolescent becomes pregnant, in some way, slows and paralyzes their normal development and does not reach maturity in all the aforementioned factors. Every day there are around 30 pregnant adolescents in the Maternity Matilde HIDALGO DE PROCEL either to receive prenatal control in the external consultation area to or in the emergency area presenting a threat of immature delivery or hypertensive syndromes of pregnancy, for which reason many of these times it is decided to end the pregnancy through cesarean delivery. According to Dr. Pedro Jiménez director of the MATILDE HIDALGO DE PROCEL Maternity; 30% of patients who go to prenatal control in outpatient clinic correspond to adolescents. Assuming motherhood, at an age in which one's own identity has not yet been fully assumed, makes situation Q become and, except in some cases, catastrophic. It is clear that the problem of the thesis is the increase in pregnancies in adolescent women which are currently a cause of controversy not only in Ecuador but in the world is others to establish that after pregnancy in adolescents who, of course, still do not meet the Physical maturity necessary for that physiological expense that is called pregnancy carries a series of problems that lead to this pregnancy ending in a cesarean delivery, which It is interesting to highlight the most frequent etologies in our environment in the period 2014 to January 2015 having as statistical data the maternity health house Matilde Hidalgo de Procel fits It is also worth noting that not all teenage pregnancies reach the end of the even with the extraction of the product born alive, either by the way it is or if it is not a true Achievement or miracle that the pregnancy ends you are teenagers especially those under 16 years of age.
Teenage pregnancy is a latent problem in the country; Adolescence is a stage of many changes: physical, emotional, and affective that affect family and social interactions. If an adolescent becomes pregnant, in some way, slows and paralyzes their normal development and does not reach maturity in all the aforementioned factors. Every day there are around 30 pregnant adolescents in the Maternity Matilde HIDALGO DE PROCEL either to receive prenatal control in the external consultation area to or in the emergency area presenting a threat of immature delivery or hypertensive syndromes of pregnancy, for which reason many of these times it is decided to end the pregnancy through cesarean delivery. According to Dr. Pedro Jiménez director of the MATILDE HIDALGO DE PROCEL Maternity; 30% of patients who go to prenatal control in outpatient clinic correspond to adolescents. Assuming motherhood, at an age in which one's own identity has not yet been fully assumed, makes situation Q become and, except in some cases, catastrophic. It is clear that the problem of the thesis is the increase in pregnancies in adolescent women which are currently a cause of controversy not only in Ecuador but in the world is others to establish that after pregnancy in adolescents who, of course, still do not meet the Physical maturity necessary for that physiological expense that is called pregnancy carries a series of problems that lead to this pregnancy ending in a cesarean delivery, which It is interesting to highlight the most frequent etologies in our environment in the period 2014 to January 2015 having as statistical data the maternity health house Matilde Hidalgo de Procel fits It is also worth noting that not all teenage pregnancies reach the end of the even with the extraction of the product born alive, either by the way it is or if it is not a true Achievement or miracle that the pregnancy ends you are teenagers especially those under 16 years of age.
Palabras clave
Embarazo en adolescencia, Cesárea, Complicaciones del embarazo, Hospital Materno Infantil Dra. Matilde Hidalgo de Procel, Cantón Guayaquil, Ecuador, Etiología