Cuantificación del carbono almacenado en el manglar del acuerdo de uso sustentable y custodia en Puerto Libertad, provincia del Guayas, Ecuador
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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad de Guayaquil
El objetivo general fue determinar la cuantificación del carbono almacenado en el manglar de acuerdos de uso sostenible y custodia Cerrito Los Morreños - Puerto Libertad. La metodología que se estableció fue basada mediante la literatura de almacenamiento de carbono en manglares, para lo cual se decidió aplicar dos tipos; parcelas circulares y transectos con metodología de cuadrante a punto central. Se registraron 209 especies en los cuatro sitios, cuyo DAP fue mayor a 2.5 cm, en su totalidad corresponde a la especie Rhizophora mangle. Se realizo la sumatoria de los componentes aéreos, subterráneo y suelo en donde el 76% de carbono fijado está en el suelo. De esta manera, se llegó a la conclusión de que los manglares aledaños a la comunidad Puerto Libertad fijan 247,10 MgC/ha como lo indican estudios y bibliográficas previas, donde dan la importancia de preservar este tipo de ecosistemas debido a que el almacenamiento del carbono del ecosistema es alto y es similar valores registrados en diversas regiones a nivel Latinoamericano
The general objetive was to determine the quantification of carbon stored in the mangrove area of sustainable use and custody agreements Cerrito Los Morreños - Puerto Libertad. The methodology that was established was based on the mangrove carbon storage literature, for which it was decided to make two types of methdologies, circular plots and transects with quadrant to central point methodology. For the investigation, 209 individuals were registered in the four sites, whose DAP was greater than 2.5 cm, in full corresponds to the Rhizophora mangle species. After carrying out the sum of the aerial, underground and soil components of the carbon quantification, 76% of the total carbon storage is fixed in the soil as indicated by studies and bibliographies, where they give the importance of preserving this type of ecosystem because of the large amount of fossil carbon found. In this way, it was concluded that the mangroves surrounding the Puerto Libertad community contribute 247.10 MgC/ha because the carbon storage of the ecosystem is high and similar values are registered in various regins at the Latin American level:
The general objetive was to determine the quantification of carbon stored in the mangrove area of sustainable use and custody agreements Cerrito Los Morreños - Puerto Libertad. The methodology that was established was based on the mangrove carbon storage literature, for which it was decided to make two types of methdologies, circular plots and transects with quadrant to central point methodology. For the investigation, 209 individuals were registered in the four sites, whose DAP was greater than 2.5 cm, in full corresponds to the Rhizophora mangle species. After carrying out the sum of the aerial, underground and soil components of the carbon quantification, 76% of the total carbon storage is fixed in the soil as indicated by studies and bibliographies, where they give the importance of preserving this type of ecosystem because of the large amount of fossil carbon found. In this way, it was concluded that the mangroves surrounding the Puerto Libertad community contribute 247.10 MgC/ha because the carbon storage of the ecosystem is high and similar values are registered in various regins at the Latin American level:
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