Propuesta gerencial de reingeniería de los servicios odontológicos del Instituto Nacional de Higiene Leopoldo Izquieta Pérez” Enero 2010 – Enero 2011
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UNiversidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas.Magister en Gerencia y Administración de Salud
El Instituto Nacional de Higiene y Medicina Tropical“Leopoldo Izquieta Pérez”del Ministerio de Salud Pública del Ecuador, dispone de dos consultorios odontológicos en
Guayaquil.En Salud Humana y Salud Animal con 400 empleados en total,hay unconsultorio en cada sección con un odontólogo y un auxiliar sólo en el Área de Salud Humana.La misión de estos servicios es brindar atención odontológica gratuita a los empleados de la institución,incluyendo a familiares.La afluencia de usuarios es limitada.Se realizará un estudio descriptivo, transversal,no experimental, con encuestas a una muestra de 200 trabajadores,con el objetivo de establecer las características de la demanda y de la oferta, identificando cómo califican los usuarios a estos servicios,a fin de diseñar una propuesta de reingeniería de éstos. Entre los principales resultados:La mayoría de usuarios son de formación universitaria y profesionales, califican al servicio de manera negativa, por el personal insuficiente,infraestructura y equipamiento inadecuados; siendo éstos los que podrían desertar del servicio,lo que obliga a mejorar la calidad;el personal de
menor nivel de instrucción da una mejor calificación,por lo que se debería emprender encharlas de educación e información para mejorar sus conocimientos preventivos. Carencia de registros estadísticos que permitan un estudio a profundidad sobre los principales motivos de consulta y cobertura de atención, por lo que se plantea el diseño de indicadores de oferta, proceso y resultados como parte de la propuesta.Se elaboró una matriz FODA con la participación de algunos directivos y empleados de la Institución,lo que permitió plantear una misión- visión renovadas,determinando fortalezas y oportunidades para la aplicación de la propuesta gerencial de reingeniería, que se diseñó y propuso.Como parte del proceso se realizaron charlas informativas y educativas lo que condujo a ampliar los conocimientos sobre los servicios odontológicos del Instituto.Se espera una transformación de los servicios en base a la propuesta de reingeniería.
The National Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine "Leopoldo Izquieta Pérez ". Belones to the Public Health of Ecuador, it has two dental offices in Guayaquil locate in Human Health and Animal Health with 400 employees in total, there is a dental office each section with a dentists theirs but Buth an only assistant in the human health obligated. The mission of these services is to provide free dental care to employees of the institution,including family members. The influx of patients is limited. There will be prepared, no experimental survey with a sample of 200 workers, with the aim of establishing the characteristics of demand and supply, identifying the quality y the services, to design a reengineering. Among the major findings: Most users are university-trained professionals,a they of qualified to serve in a negative way by insufficient staff, inadequate infrastructure the scone the service, which requires improving the quality, it nilise a reason to chit take the service and them improve the service talk, so it should undertake in education talks and information to improve their preventive knowledge. Lack of statistical records that allow design of indicators, process and results as part of the proposal. FODA matrix was developed with the involvement of some officers and employees of the institution, which allowed to establish a mission - vision renewed, identifying strengths and opportunities for implementation of the re-engineering process. As part of the process they will bring informative educational lectures to increase the knowledge of dental services of the Institute.It is expected a transformation of services based on the process reengineering
The National Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine "Leopoldo Izquieta Pérez ". Belones to the Public Health of Ecuador, it has two dental offices in Guayaquil locate in Human Health and Animal Health with 400 employees in total, there is a dental office each section with a dentists theirs but Buth an only assistant in the human health obligated. The mission of these services is to provide free dental care to employees of the institution,including family members. The influx of patients is limited. There will be prepared, no experimental survey with a sample of 200 workers, with the aim of establishing the characteristics of demand and supply, identifying the quality y the services, to design a reengineering. Among the major findings: Most users are university-trained professionals,a they of qualified to serve in a negative way by insufficient staff, inadequate infrastructure the scone the service, which requires improving the quality, it nilise a reason to chit take the service and them improve the service talk, so it should undertake in education talks and information to improve their preventive knowledge. Lack of statistical records that allow design of indicators, process and results as part of the proposal. FODA matrix was developed with the involvement of some officers and employees of the institution, which allowed to establish a mission - vision renewed, identifying strengths and opportunities for implementation of the re-engineering process. As part of the process they will bring informative educational lectures to increase the knowledge of dental services of the Institute.It is expected a transformation of services based on the process reengineering
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