Rehabilitación respiratoria instrumental en pacientes adultos con enfermedad pulmonar restrictiva en el Hospital Abel Gilbert Pontón Guayaquil-Guayas, durante el período de 2017 - 2018
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Carrera de Tecnología Médica
La enfermedad pulmonar restrictiva afecta a la capacidad de inhalar y exhalar, de los cuales no permite que el pulmón se expanda completamente, es una de las principales problemáticas a nivel del país en la cual no se ha fomentado aún, el desarrollo de un programa de atención temprana en rehabilitación pulmonar mediante técnicas instrumentales; por ello se elaboró esta investigación en el hospital de especialidades Abel Gilbert Pontón, en donde los pacientes desarrollan esta problemática cuando no son atendidos de manera temprana. Se realizó un estudio de tipo descriptivo transversal, en el que se aplicó una ficha observacional a una muestra de 41 pacientes y también un cuestionario de 6 preguntas a 15 Licenciados de Terapia respiratoria, Entre los resultados, destaca que un 95%, es decir, 39 pacientes, presentaron como enfermedad restrictiva la Fibrosis pulmonar, mientras que el 5%, restante neumonia. El 100% de los encuestados refirió que no existe un programa especifico de rehabilitacion pulmonar para estos pacientes. Se concluye que este grupo de pacientes tienen una gran riesgo de complicaciones relacionados con la deficiencia en el manejo de la enfermedad. Como propuesta se elabora un programa en rehabilitación pulmonar para atención temprana con la que se pretende mejorar la calidad de vida del paciente y reducir las complicaciones
Restrictive lung disease affects the ability to inhale and exhale, which does not allow the lung to expand completely, is one of the main problems at the level of the country in which it has not yet been fostered, the development of a program of early attention in pulmonary rehabilitation through instrumental techniques; Therefore, this research was developed at the Abel Gilbert Pontón specialty hospital, where patients develop this problem when they are not treated early. A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out, in which an observational record was applied to a sample of 41 patients and also a questionnaire of 6 questions to 15 Respiratory Therapy graduates. Among the results, it stands out that 95%, that is, 39 patients had pulmonary fibrosis as a restrictive disease, while 5% had pneumonia. 100% of respondents reported that there is no specific program of pulmonary rehabilitation for these patients. It is concluded that this group of patients have a high risk of complications related to deficiency in the management of the disease. As a proposal, the Pulmonary Rehabilitation program is developed as early attention of restrictive pulmonary disease with which it is intended to improve the quality of life of the patient and reduce complications.
Restrictive lung disease affects the ability to inhale and exhale, which does not allow the lung to expand completely, is one of the main problems at the level of the country in which it has not yet been fostered, the development of a program of early attention in pulmonary rehabilitation through instrumental techniques; Therefore, this research was developed at the Abel Gilbert Pontón specialty hospital, where patients develop this problem when they are not treated early. A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out, in which an observational record was applied to a sample of 41 patients and also a questionnaire of 6 questions to 15 Respiratory Therapy graduates. Among the results, it stands out that 95%, that is, 39 patients had pulmonary fibrosis as a restrictive disease, while 5% had pneumonia. 100% of respondents reported that there is no specific program of pulmonary rehabilitation for these patients. It is concluded that this group of patients have a high risk of complications related to deficiency in the management of the disease. As a proposal, the Pulmonary Rehabilitation program is developed as early attention of restrictive pulmonary disease with which it is intended to improve the quality of life of the patient and reduce complications.
Palabras clave
Rehabilitación pulmonar, Enfermedad pulmonar restrictiva, Equipos y suministros, Epidemiología descriptiva, Hospital de Especialidades Guayaquil Dr. Abel Gilbert Pontón, Cantón Guayaquil, Ecuador