Estudio químico y actividad antioxidante de la pulpa del mate Crescentia cujete
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas
El mate (Crescentia cujete L.) es un fruto cuya pulpa es utilizada por la población
de la región costa ecuatoriana, pero la pulpa constituye desperdicio. Los radicales
libres y el estrés oxidativo están vinculados con las enfermedades no transmisible
porque sus electrones circulan autónomamente en nuestro cuerpo, destruyendo
así células saludables a su paso. Se determinó la presencia de Polifenoles totales
y actividad antioxidante de los extractos acuoso y etanólico de la pulpa de
Crescentia cujete L. La metodología empleada en este trabajo fue de tipo
experimental. El reconocimiento de metabolitos secundarios por tamizaje
fitoquímico preliminar permite determinar cualitativamente de modo que se
encontraron alcaloides, triterpenos, taninos y flavonoides. La cuantificación de
polifenoles totales se hizo por el método Folin-Ciocalteu, se obtuvo un valor
estimado de 0.02% en extracto etanólico y 0.07% en extracto acuoso. Por lo
consiguiente la actividad antioxidante se evaluó aplicando el método DPPH,
obteniéndose en extracto etanólico 75.60 µg (AG)/mL y 21.29 µg (AC)/mL. y a su
vez en extracto acuoso se obtuvo un valor de 57 µg (AG)/mL y 16.33 µg (AC)/mL,
por ello el extracto acuoso presenta mejor actividad antioxidante.
Mate (Crescentia cujete L.) is a fruit whose pulp is used by the population of the Ecuadorian coastal region, but the pulp constitutes waste. Free radicals and oxidative stress are linked to non-communicable diseases because their electrons circulate autonomously in our body, thus destroying healthy cells in their wake. The presence of total polyphenols and antioxidant activity of the aqueous and ethanolic extracts of the pulp of Crescentia cujete L. The methodology used in this work was experimental. The recognition of secondary metabolites by preliminary phytochemical screening makes it possible to qualitatively determine so that alkaloids, triterpenes, tannins and flavonoids were found. The quantification of total polyphenols was done by the Folin-Ciocalteu method, an estimated value of 0.02% in ethanolic extract and 0.07% in aqueous extract was obtained. Therefore, the antioxidant activity was evaluated by applying the DPPH method, obtaining 75.60 µg (AG) / mL and 21.29 µg (AC) / mL in ethanolic extract. and in turn, in aqueous extract, a value of 57 µg (AG) / mL and 16.33 µg (AC) / mL was obtained, therefore the aqueous extract presents better antioxidant activity.
Mate (Crescentia cujete L.) is a fruit whose pulp is used by the population of the Ecuadorian coastal region, but the pulp constitutes waste. Free radicals and oxidative stress are linked to non-communicable diseases because their electrons circulate autonomously in our body, thus destroying healthy cells in their wake. The presence of total polyphenols and antioxidant activity of the aqueous and ethanolic extracts of the pulp of Crescentia cujete L. The methodology used in this work was experimental. The recognition of secondary metabolites by preliminary phytochemical screening makes it possible to qualitatively determine so that alkaloids, triterpenes, tannins and flavonoids were found. The quantification of total polyphenols was done by the Folin-Ciocalteu method, an estimated value of 0.02% in ethanolic extract and 0.07% in aqueous extract was obtained. Therefore, the antioxidant activity was evaluated by applying the DPPH method, obtaining 75.60 µg (AG) / mL and 21.29 µg (AC) / mL in ethanolic extract. and in turn, in aqueous extract, a value of 57 µg (AG) / mL and 16.33 µg (AC) / mL was obtained, therefore the aqueous extract presents better antioxidant activity.
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