Desarrollo e implementación de un sistema estructurado de solicitud de exámenes de laboratorio desde una plataforma web a través de código QR.
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ingeniería Industrial. Carrera de Licenciatura en Sistemas de Información.
El presente proyecto plantea el desarrollo e implementación de un sistema estructurado de
solicitud de exámenes de laboratorio desde una plataforma web a través de códigos QR, que
permite además guardar la información de la historia clínica y brindar un servicio integral
de post atención a los usuarios. Estos procesos no se ejecutaron previamente debido a la falta
de una aplicación tecnológica que otorgara estos requerimientos. Para el desarrollo del
presente trabajo de titulación, se empleó inicialmente un análisis de la situación actual de
los procesos internos, logrando identificar de esa manera, las falencias existentes; posterior
a esto se utilizó la metodología de desarrollo, a través de las técnicas de la entrevista y la
encuesta, cuyos resultados de acuerdo a los datos obtenidos permitieron cubrir las
necesidades, logrando la satisfacción de los usuarios internos y de los pacientes. A través de
esta plataforma, además, se garantiza la disponibilidad, la integridad y confiabilidad de la
The present project proposes the development and implementation of a structured system for requesting laboratory tests from a web platform through QR codes, which also allows to keep the information of the medical history and provide a comprehensive service for post-customer service. These processes were not previously executed due to the lack of a technological application that granted these requirements. For the development of this scientific paper work, an analysis of the current situation of the internal processes was initially used, thus identifying the existing shortcomings; After this, a development methodology was used, through the interview and survey techniques, whose results according to the data obtained allowed to meet the needs of the personnel, achieving the satisfaction of internal users and patients. In addition, through this platform, the availability, integrity and reliability of the information is guaranteed.
The present project proposes the development and implementation of a structured system for requesting laboratory tests from a web platform through QR codes, which also allows to keep the information of the medical history and provide a comprehensive service for post-customer service. These processes were not previously executed due to the lack of a technological application that granted these requirements. For the development of this scientific paper work, an analysis of the current situation of the internal processes was initially used, thus identifying the existing shortcomings; After this, a development methodology was used, through the interview and survey techniques, whose results according to the data obtained allowed to meet the needs of the personnel, achieving the satisfaction of internal users and patients. In addition, through this platform, the availability, integrity and reliability of the information is guaranteed.
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