Diseño gráfico aplicado al marketing de guerrilla en el posicionamiento de la imagen de las Organizaciones Productoras de CACAO DE FINO AROMA en la provincia del Guayas, 2020
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Universidad de Guayaquil: Facultad de Comunicación Social
En el presente trabajo de investigación se consideró como el objeto de estudio a las Organizaciones Productoras de Cacao de Fino Aroma, las cuales están vinculadas con la Corporación de desarrollo micro empresarial del litoral (COMIDPROL). Se evidenció la necesidad de impulsar el posicionamiento de la identidad visual de la organización debido a la poca participación que tienen en el mercado, el producto escogido para realizar la propuesta fue el “Chocolate Las Delicias” producido por los microempresarios pertenecientes al cantón Milagro. El diseño de la investigación tiene un alcance exploratorio en el que se realizaron investigaciones de campo y bibliográficas, además se utilizó la observación científica como instrumento del enfoque cualitativo, mientras que para el enfoque cualitativo se realizaron encuestas a una muestra de 102 usuarios del transporte Metrovía para medir la factibilidad de la propuesta. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron el poco reconocimiento que tenían los consumidores con los productos de las Organizaciones, por lo que se comenzó a planear las estrategias publicitar y a diseñar las piezas visuales. La propuesta consiste en crear el diseño del ambient marketing como estrategia de marketing de guerrilla en una de las paradas más transitadas del transporte Metrovía, se considera su factibilidad al ser una opción que utiliza pocos recursos económicos y pone en comunicación directa a la marca con los consumidores.
In this research paper, the Cacao de Fino Aroma Producing Organizations, which are linked to the Micro-Enterprise Development Corporation of the Littoral (COMIDPROL), were considered as the object of study. The need to promote the positioning of the visual identity of the Organization was evident due to the low participation they have in the market, the product chosen to make the proposal was the "Chocolate Las Delicias" produced by the microentrepreneurs belonging to the canton Milagro. The research design has an exploratory scope in which field and bibliographic research was carried out. In addition, scientific observation was used as a tool for the qualitative approach, while for the qualitative approach a sample of 102 Metrovia transport users was surveyed to measure the feasibility of the proposal. The results showed how little recognition consumers had with the products of the Organizations, so they began to plan advertising strategies and design the visual pieces. The proposal consists in creating the design of the ambient marketing as strategy of marketing of guerrilla in one of the busiest stops of the transport Metrovía, its feasibility is considered as an option that uses few economic resources and puts the brand in direct communication with consumers.
In this research paper, the Cacao de Fino Aroma Producing Organizations, which are linked to the Micro-Enterprise Development Corporation of the Littoral (COMIDPROL), were considered as the object of study. The need to promote the positioning of the visual identity of the Organization was evident due to the low participation they have in the market, the product chosen to make the proposal was the "Chocolate Las Delicias" produced by the microentrepreneurs belonging to the canton Milagro. The research design has an exploratory scope in which field and bibliographic research was carried out. In addition, scientific observation was used as a tool for the qualitative approach, while for the qualitative approach a sample of 102 Metrovia transport users was surveyed to measure the feasibility of the proposal. The results showed how little recognition consumers had with the products of the Organizations, so they began to plan advertising strategies and design the visual pieces. The proposal consists in creating the design of the ambient marketing as strategy of marketing of guerrilla in one of the busiest stops of the transport Metrovía, its feasibility is considered as an option that uses few economic resources and puts the brand in direct communication with consumers.
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