Impacto Psicosocial del Duelo en el Adulto Mayor durante la Pandemia porCovid-19
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Universidad de Guayaquil -Facultad de Ciencias Psicológicas
El estudio analiza el impacto psicosocial del duelo en el adulto mayor en pandemia por Covid-19, así como explorar su estado psicológico y emocional del adulto que perdio un ser querido durante la pandemia, en el cual participaron cuatro adultos mayores que en la actualidad estan pasando por este proceso de duelo. Se fundamento el estudio desde un enfoque cognitivo conductual, que propone la modificación de dichas conductas, así como el desarrollo de habilidades sociocognitivas necesarias para un enfrentamiento eficaz en el proceso del duelo en estos adultos. La metodologia que orientó este analisis de caso, fue la cualitativa investigativa, se aplicaron las escalas de evaluación de depresión y ansiedad de Beck, así como una entrevista estructurada. Se analizaron cuatro casos de adultos de la ciudad de Guayaquil, dos hombres y dos mujeres en un rango de edad de entre 63 a 69 años. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos con estos instrumentos, se evidenció en los cuatro casos, que atraviezan en la actualidad por un estado de depresión y ansiedad, motivo por el cual se concluye que estos síntomas se dan debido al impacto de la pérdida repentina de sus seres queridos, y sobre todo, la manera en que se llevo a cabo los ritos excequiales, cabe recalcar que la familia ha sido la principal fuente de apoyo para estos adultos
The study analyzes the psychosocial impact of grief on the elderly in a pandemic due to Covid-19, as well as exploring their psychological and emotional state of the adult who lost a loved one during the pandemic, in which four older adults who are currently going through this grieving process. The study was based from a cognitive-behavioral approach, which proposes the modification of said behaviors, as well as the development of socio-cognitive skills necessary for an effective coping in the grief process in these adults. The methodology that guided this case analysis was the qualitative investigative one, the Beck depression and anxiety assessment scales were applied, as well as a structured interview. Four cases of adults from the city of Guayaquil were analyzed, two men and two women in an age range between 63 and 69 years. According to the results obtained with these instruments, it was evidenced in the four cases, which are currently experiencing a state of depression and anxiety, which is why it is concluded that these symptoms occur due to the impact of the sudden loss of their loved ones, and above all, the way in which the special rites were carried out, it should be noted that the family has been the main source of support for these adults
The study analyzes the psychosocial impact of grief on the elderly in a pandemic due to Covid-19, as well as exploring their psychological and emotional state of the adult who lost a loved one during the pandemic, in which four older adults who are currently going through this grieving process. The study was based from a cognitive-behavioral approach, which proposes the modification of said behaviors, as well as the development of socio-cognitive skills necessary for an effective coping in the grief process in these adults. The methodology that guided this case analysis was the qualitative investigative one, the Beck depression and anxiety assessment scales were applied, as well as a structured interview. Four cases of adults from the city of Guayaquil were analyzed, two men and two women in an age range between 63 and 69 years. According to the results obtained with these instruments, it was evidenced in the four cases, which are currently experiencing a state of depression and anxiety, which is why it is concluded that these symptoms occur due to the impact of the sudden loss of their loved ones, and above all, the way in which the special rites were carried out, it should be noted that the family has been the main source of support for these adults
Palabras clave
Duelo, Impacto psicosocial, Adulto mayor, pandemia