Fractura coronaria con compromiso pulpary patología radicular en piezas unirradiculares
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad Piloto de Odontología
La mayoría de las fracturas dentales es ocasionada por
traumatismos, donde el 90% se concentran en concusiones y
fracturas no complicadas. El resto se encuentra representado por
fracturas complicadas de corona, desplazamientos y avulsiones. Si
no se encuentra el fragmento del diente traumatizado, y existen
heridas en los tejidos blandos, se deben tomar radiografías de
dichos tejidos.
El tratamiento restaurador de un diente fracturado es muy importante
porque puede poner en peligro la vitalidad del diente. Existen
diferentes técnicas y tipos de restauración, que se aplicaran según el
grado de afectación de la pulpa y otros factores.
Ante un traumatismo dental debemos evaluarlo siempre y tratarlo lo
más pronto posible para evitar el dolor innecesario, las posibles
complicaciones y, en ocasiones, salvar el diente.
Las fracturas y daños dentales se clasifican según el tipo de lesión,
de los tejidos duros dentales y de la pulpa del diente (nervio y vasos
sanguíneos), y de los tejidos que rodean al diente (mucosa y el
hueso sostén)
Most dental fracture is caused by trauma, where 90% are concentrated in uncomplicated fractures and concussions. The rest is represented by complicated crown fractures, displacements and avulsions. If you are not traumatized tooth fragment, and there are soft tissue injuries, radiographs should be taken of such tissues. The restorative treatment of a fractured tooth is very important because it can endanger the vitality of the tooth. There are different techniques and types of restoration, which is applied according to the degree of involvement of the pulp and other factors. Before a dental trauma should always evaluate and treat as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary pain, possible complications and sometimes save the tooth. Fractures and dental damage are classified according to the type of injury, and dental hard tissues of the tooth pulp (nerve and blood vessels), and the tissues surrounding the teeth (mucosa and bone support)
Most dental fracture is caused by trauma, where 90% are concentrated in uncomplicated fractures and concussions. The rest is represented by complicated crown fractures, displacements and avulsions. If you are not traumatized tooth fragment, and there are soft tissue injuries, radiographs should be taken of such tissues. The restorative treatment of a fractured tooth is very important because it can endanger the vitality of the tooth. There are different techniques and types of restoration, which is applied according to the degree of involvement of the pulp and other factors. Before a dental trauma should always evaluate and treat as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary pain, possible complications and sometimes save the tooth. Fractures and dental damage are classified according to the type of injury, and dental hard tissues of the tooth pulp (nerve and blood vessels), and the tissues surrounding the teeth (mucosa and bone support)
Palabras clave
Baque Paredes, Allison Marlene (2014) : Fractura coronaria con compromiso pulpary patología radicular en piezas unirradiculares