Educación para la salud bucal en niños discapacitados
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad Piloto de Odontología
La salud oral es un tema de suma importancia, pues por la cavidad bucal entran tanto
nutrientes como patógenos, pero si a un adulto le cuesta mantener una higiene bucal
continua ¿qué será entonces de los niños? O peor aún, ¿la salud oral de los niños con
discapacidad? Uno se pregunta cuáles pueden ser los factores, que, como el
desconocimiento lo que lleva a que niños discapacitados sean llevados con cuadros más
severos de enfermedades bucodentales. Es por ello que este estudio tiene como objetivo
establecer la influencia de la educación para la salud bucal en niños discapacitados,
valiéndose de la revisión de dichos factores que influyen en el estado de salud bucal de los
niños con discapacidad y análisis de la literatura con respecto a la educación para la salud
bucal en menores de edad con el fin de que se puedan desarrollar pautas y
recomendaciones para los niños y sus representantes a partir de conocimientos existentes.
En la revisión de la bibliografía y mediante el uso de la investigación descriptiva método
inductivo-deductivo, señalan que los factores que se reiteran es el desconocimiento de las
personas que lidian con estos pacientes en su día a día: padres, cuidadores y otros
miembros del personal de salud, que desconocen tanto tratamientos, herramientas y las
señales de alerta de estas enfermedades. Como conclusión se sugiere ampliar las formas
de difusión en centros de salud y consultorios odontológicos, o en escuelas, que pueden ser
centros de información e instrucción para la buena salud bucal.
Oral health is an issue of utmost importance, since both nutrients and pathogens enter the oral cavity, but if it is difficult for an adult to maintain continuous oral hygiene, what will become of the children then? Or even worse, the oral health of children with disabilities? One wonders what the factors may be, such as ignorance that leads to disabled children being taken with more severe pictures of oral diseases. That is why this study aims to establish the influence of oral health education in disabled children, making use of the review of these factors that influence the oral health status of children with disabilities and analysis of the literature regarding education for oral health in minors so that guidelines and recommendations can be developed for children and their representatives based on existing knowledge. In the review of the bibliography and through the use of the descriptive research inductive-deductive method, they point out that the factors that are repeated is the ignorance of the people who deal with these patients in their day to day: parents, caregivers and other members of the health personnel, who are unaware of both treatments, tools and the warning signs of these diseases. As a conclusion, it is suggested to expand the forms of dissemination in health centers and dental offices, or in schools, which can be information and instruction centers for good oral health.
Oral health is an issue of utmost importance, since both nutrients and pathogens enter the oral cavity, but if it is difficult for an adult to maintain continuous oral hygiene, what will become of the children then? Or even worse, the oral health of children with disabilities? One wonders what the factors may be, such as ignorance that leads to disabled children being taken with more severe pictures of oral diseases. That is why this study aims to establish the influence of oral health education in disabled children, making use of the review of these factors that influence the oral health status of children with disabilities and analysis of the literature regarding education for oral health in minors so that guidelines and recommendations can be developed for children and their representatives based on existing knowledge. In the review of the bibliography and through the use of the descriptive research inductive-deductive method, they point out that the factors that are repeated is the ignorance of the people who deal with these patients in their day to day: parents, caregivers and other members of the health personnel, who are unaware of both treatments, tools and the warning signs of these diseases. As a conclusion, it is suggested to expand the forms of dissemination in health centers and dental offices, or in schools, which can be information and instruction centers for good oral health.
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