Desarrollo de una tienda virtual de ventas de productos del hogar en Guayaquil mediante la red social Facebook
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Universidad Guayaquil
El presente proyecto de investigación es diseñado con el objetivo de elaborar un plan de
negocio en ventas de productos del hogar en el cual no sea necesario realizarlas mediante una
tienda física, ya que en la actualidad nos encontramos en tiempos de pandemia afectando a todas
las áreas a nivel mundial; sin embargo, esto ha beneficiado a ciertas industrias con la medida de
restricción de movilidad existiendo así dificultad para los usuarios o consumidores desplazarse
hacia distintas tiendas a realizar sus compras y muchas veces no alcanzar a realizarlas, siendo el
tiempo un factor problema.
Es por esto, que la propuesta se centra en desarrollar estrategias de ventas en productos del
hogar mediante una tienda virtual, teniendo como apoyo las redes sociales y a su vez dando a
conocer las ventajas y desventajas en el uso del e-commerce o llamado también comercio
electrónico, al igual de brindar las experiencias y opiniones de usuarios que ya se han acogido a
el método de compras en línea.
This research project is designed with the objective of developing a business plan for the sale of household products in which it is not necessary to carry them out through a physical store, since currently we are in times of pandemic affecting all areas Worldwide; However, this has benefited certain industries with the mobility restriction measure, thus making it difficult for users or consumers to travel to different stores to make their purchases and often not being able to make them, time being a problem factor. That is why the proposal focuses on developing sales strategies in household products through a virtual store, having as support social networks and in turn making known the advantages and disadvantages in the use of e-commerce or also called commerce electronic, as well as providing the experiences and opinions of users who have already accepted the online shopping method.
This research project is designed with the objective of developing a business plan for the sale of household products in which it is not necessary to carry them out through a physical store, since currently we are in times of pandemic affecting all areas Worldwide; However, this has benefited certain industries with the mobility restriction measure, thus making it difficult for users or consumers to travel to different stores to make their purchases and often not being able to make them, time being a problem factor. That is why the proposal focuses on developing sales strategies in household products through a virtual store, having as support social networks and in turn making known the advantages and disadvantages in the use of e-commerce or also called commerce electronic, as well as providing the experiences and opinions of users who have already accepted the online shopping method.
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