La gimnasia artística como recurso Pedagógico para la estimulación temprana en niñas de 3 a 5 años
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Universidad de Guayaquil, Facultad de Educación Física, Deportes y Recreación
La investigación se la realizó con el propósito de establecer un recurso pedagógico para el desarrollo de la motricidad gruesa en niños de 3 a 5 años, ya que en el periodo lectivo 2022 – 2023 se evidenció déficit psicomotor debido a falta de estrategias en el ámbito de la expresión corporal, gimnasia, Educación Física y motricidad. Mediante sustentos teóricos se fundamentó la importancia de la gimnasia artística y su incidencia positiva en el desarrollo de posturas, equilibrio, coordinación y sobre todo una correcta expresión corporal. La modalidad y diseño de la investigación fue de tipo descriptiva no experimental, mediante la aplicación de métodos y técnicas se recogió información necesaria para valida la propuesta de la guía de ejercicios gimnásticos. En la propuesta se describió cada uno de los ejercicios con su respectiva forma de desarrollo y aplicación. Se puede concluir que en edades tempranas la armonía de posturas y movimientos van a mejorar el desarrollo de la motricidad gruesa
The research was carried out with the purpose of establishing a pedagogical resource for the development of gross motor skills in children from 3 to 5 years old, since in the 2022- 2023 school period, psychomotor deficit was evidenced due to lack of strategies in the field of body expression, gymnastics, physical education and motor skills. Through theoretical foundations, the importance of artistic gymnastics and its positive impact on the development of postures, balance, and coordination and, above all, correct body expression were substantiated. The modality and design of the research was of a nonexperimental descriptive type, through the application of methods and techniques, the necessary information was collected to validate the proposal of the gymnastic exercises guide. The proposal described each of the exercises with their respective form of development and application. It can be concluded that at an early age the harmony of postures and movements will improve the development of gross motor skills
The research was carried out with the purpose of establishing a pedagogical resource for the development of gross motor skills in children from 3 to 5 years old, since in the 2022- 2023 school period, psychomotor deficit was evidenced due to lack of strategies in the field of body expression, gymnastics, physical education and motor skills. Through theoretical foundations, the importance of artistic gymnastics and its positive impact on the development of postures, balance, and coordination and, above all, correct body expression were substantiated. The modality and design of the research was of a nonexperimental descriptive type, through the application of methods and techniques, the necessary information was collected to validate the proposal of the gymnastic exercises guide. The proposal described each of the exercises with their respective form of development and application. It can be concluded that at an early age the harmony of postures and movements will improve the development of gross motor skills
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