Composición y estructura del manglar de la Reserva Ecológica Manglares Churute, Provincia del Guayas, Ecuador
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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales. Universidad de Guayaquil
El presente estudio describe la composición y estructura de los manglares de la Reserva Ecológica Manglares Churute, Provincia del Guayas para 0,5 ha dividida en parcelas de 0.25 ha en el sector La Flora y Churutillo, a la entrada del canal y afuera del canal Churute. Las medidas dasométricas (altura total y diámetro a la altura del pecho DAP) permitieron calcular área basal, volumen de madera, valor de importancia e índices de diversidad. La composición del manglar del área muestreada se caracteriza por 5 especies y un hibrido: Rhizophora racemosa (29%), R. rmangle (18%), R. x harrisonii (11%), Hilarianthus germinans (36%), Conocarpus erectus (5%) y Laguncularia racemosa (1%), incurriendo en menor número de individuos R. mangle en la parcela Churutillo. En la parcela La Flora la estructura arbórea está constituida por el 73% de individuos con DAP de hasta 19 cm y el 77% poseen alturas hasta 12 m. En la parcela Churutillo la estructura arbórea está constituida por el 85% de individuos con un DAP entre 10 a 37 cm y el 62% poseen alturas entre 8 a 14 m. Fisonómicamente dichos manglares corresponden a un bosque pantanoso secundario joven en transición, siendo el manglar de La Flora un manglar de cuenca y el de Churutillo un manglar de borde o islote.
The present study describes the composition and structure of the mangroves of the Manglares Churute Ecological Reserve, Guayas Province for 0.5 ha divided into 0.25 ha plots in the La Flora and Churutillo sector, at the entrance of the canal and outside from the Churute channel. The dasometric measurements (total height and diameter at breast height DAP) allowed to calculate the basal area, the volume of wood, the value of importance and the diversity indices. The composition of the mangrove in the sampled area is characterized by 5 species and one hybrid: Rhizophora racemosa (29%), R. rmangle (18%), R. x harrisonii (11%), Hilarianthus germinans (36%), Conocarpus erectus (5%) and Laguncularia racemosa (1%), resulting in fewer R. mangle individuals in the Churutillo plot. In La Flora plot, the tree structure is made up of 73% of individuals with DBH of up to 19 cm and 77% have heights up to 12 m. In the Churutillo plot, the tree structure is made up of 85% of individuals with a DBH between 10 and 37 cm and 62% have heights between 8 and 14 m. Physiognomically, these mangroves correspond to a young secondary swamp forest in transition, with the La Flora mangrove being a basin mangrove and the Churutillo mangrove being an edge or islet mangrove.
The present study describes the composition and structure of the mangroves of the Manglares Churute Ecological Reserve, Guayas Province for 0.5 ha divided into 0.25 ha plots in the La Flora and Churutillo sector, at the entrance of the canal and outside from the Churute channel. The dasometric measurements (total height and diameter at breast height DAP) allowed to calculate the basal area, the volume of wood, the value of importance and the diversity indices. The composition of the mangrove in the sampled area is characterized by 5 species and one hybrid: Rhizophora racemosa (29%), R. rmangle (18%), R. x harrisonii (11%), Hilarianthus germinans (36%), Conocarpus erectus (5%) and Laguncularia racemosa (1%), resulting in fewer R. mangle individuals in the Churutillo plot. In La Flora plot, the tree structure is made up of 73% of individuals with DBH of up to 19 cm and 77% have heights up to 12 m. In the Churutillo plot, the tree structure is made up of 85% of individuals with a DBH between 10 and 37 cm and 62% have heights between 8 and 14 m. Physiognomically, these mangroves correspond to a young secondary swamp forest in transition, with the La Flora mangrove being a basin mangrove and the Churutillo mangrove being an edge or islet mangrove.
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