Exàmenes Vìa Web Aplicado a la Carrera de Ingenierìa de Sistemas Computacionales
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Matematicas y Fisicas. Carrera de Ingeniería en Sistemas Computacionales. Carrera de Ingeniería en Networking y Telecomunicaciones.
Se ha definido la evaluación como la acción integrada en el proceso formativo,
sistemático y continuo, de obtener información sobre el estudiante y la naturaleza y
calidad de su aprendizaje, que permite juzgar alternativas previas a la toma de
decisiones. Se distinguen dos tipos de evaluación: sumativa y formativa. Mientras que
la sumativa persigue averiguar el dominio conseguido por el alumno con el objetivo
de asignar una calificación referente a determinados conocimientos, destrezas y
capacidades, la formativa o procesual pretende que el alumno corrija defectos y
confusiones, supere dificultades y adquiera habilidades que se han detectado como
ausentes en la prueba de evaluación propuesta.
Para ello, se plantea la utilización un sistema de evaluación virtual, utilizando la
plataforma Open Source, a la cual se le ha dado prioridad en las Instituciones
Públicas, focalizando su aplicación en la Carrera de Ingeniería de Sistemas
La Herramienta planteada permite preparar exámenes aleatorios, en los que cada
pregunta se elige al azar entre un grupo de preguntas ingresadas. Además, las
preguntas de tipo “problema” permiten la carga de archivo con lo desarrollado por el
estudiante, los cuales pueden hacer exámenes y contar con su calificación
inmediatamente o su calificación parcial si se trata de preguntas de carga de archivo,
reduciendo en gran medida el tiempo de espera de calificaciones.
Assessment has been defined as the integrated action in the learning process, systematic and continuous, to obtain information about the student and the nature and quality of their learning, for judging alternatives prior to decision making. There are two types of evaluation: summative and formative. While summative seeks out the domain managed by the student in order to assign a rating concerning certain knowledge, skills and abilities, training or procedural intended for students to correct defects and confusion, overcome difficulties and acquire skills that have been detected as absent in the proposed assessment test. To this end, we propose the use of an online evaluation system, using the Open Source platform, which has been given priority in public institutions, focusing on its application in the Career of Computer Systems Engineering. Raised Tool allows you to prepare random testing, in which each question is chosen at random from a pool of questions entered. Furthermore, questions such as "problem"allow file upload with that developed by the student, which may be screened and have their score immediately or partial qualification in the case of file upload questions, greatly reducing waiting time card.
Assessment has been defined as the integrated action in the learning process, systematic and continuous, to obtain information about the student and the nature and quality of their learning, for judging alternatives prior to decision making. There are two types of evaluation: summative and formative. While summative seeks out the domain managed by the student in order to assign a rating concerning certain knowledge, skills and abilities, training or procedural intended for students to correct defects and confusion, overcome difficulties and acquire skills that have been detected as absent in the proposed assessment test. To this end, we propose the use of an online evaluation system, using the Open Source platform, which has been given priority in public institutions, focusing on its application in the Career of Computer Systems Engineering. Raised Tool allows you to prepare random testing, in which each question is chosen at random from a pool of questions entered. Furthermore, questions such as "problem"allow file upload with that developed by the student, which may be screened and have their score immediately or partial qualification in the case of file upload questions, greatly reducing waiting time card.
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