Web site de custodio de documentos físicos.
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ingeniería Industrial. Carrera de Licenciatura en Sistemas de Información.
WDC S.A. a través del proyecto Web Site de Custodio de Documentos Físicos pretende servir a las empresas guayaquileñas, proporcionándoles un servicio seguro y confiable que permita la administración y custodia de los archivos pasivos de los clientes, colaborando de esta forma, con el mejoramiento de la administración y custodia documental, asegurando una perfecta conservación de la información, brindando un servicio de consulta oportuna y eficiente, y el traslado de los archivos en el momento que se lo amerite. Gracias a la utilización de tecnología informática a nuestro alcance y el conocimiento y profesionalismo de nuestro equipo humano, podemos proporcionar almacenamiento y custodia de documentos valorados y no valorados (archivos pasivos) a las empresas, permitiendo a los clientes el acceso a los mismos con mecanismos de seguridad confiables por medio de la página web de la empresa. Mediante la planificación y la investigación exhaustiva se ha determinado que esta valiosa propuesta, necesita una inversión inicial de $48.000,00, que serán financiados en un 31,25% por un préstamo a la C.F.N. y 68,75% otorgado por los inversionistas. Según el análisis en la evaluación de proyecto se necesitan 3 años 3 mes y 47 días para recuperar la inversión, la misma que se realiza con una TMAR del 15,75% y genera una TIR del 32,65%. El servicio Web Site de Custodio de Documentos Físicos a disposición empresarial, puede convertirse en un vital aporte para la reducción de gastos, espacios físicos y tiempo mediante la adjudicación y/o trasferencia de la gestión documental.
WDC SA through the Web Site project aims Custodian of Physical Documents for all the company’s in Guayaquil offering a safe and reliable service to provide management and custody liabilities client files. Collaborating in this way, with improved administration and document custody, ensuring perfect preservation of information, providing timely and efficient service consultation, and transfer files at the time it arises. Thanks to the use of computer technology at our disposal and the knowledge and professionalism of our staff, we can provide storage and custody of valued documents and not rated (passive files) to businesses, allowing customers access to the same reliable mechanisms security through the company’s website. By planning strategies as well as exhaustive research have determined that this value proposal requires an initial investment of $ 48.000,00, to be funded by 31,25% for a loan to the CFN and 68,75% granted by investors. According to the analysis in the assessment of this project needs 3 years 3 months and 47 days to recover the investment, the same as is done with a MARR of 15,75% and generated an IRR of 32,65%. The Web Site Custodian of Physical Documents by enterprise service provision can be a vital contribution to reducing costs, physical space and time by the allotment and / or transfer of records management
WDC SA through the Web Site project aims Custodian of Physical Documents for all the company’s in Guayaquil offering a safe and reliable service to provide management and custody liabilities client files. Collaborating in this way, with improved administration and document custody, ensuring perfect preservation of information, providing timely and efficient service consultation, and transfer files at the time it arises. Thanks to the use of computer technology at our disposal and the knowledge and professionalism of our staff, we can provide storage and custody of valued documents and not rated (passive files) to businesses, allowing customers access to the same reliable mechanisms security through the company’s website. By planning strategies as well as exhaustive research have determined that this value proposal requires an initial investment of $ 48.000,00, to be funded by 31,25% for a loan to the CFN and 68,75% granted by investors. According to the analysis in the assessment of this project needs 3 years 3 months and 47 days to recover the investment, the same as is done with a MARR of 15,75% and generated an IRR of 32,65%. The Web Site Custodian of Physical Documents by enterprise service provision can be a vital contribution to reducing costs, physical space and time by the allotment and / or transfer of records management
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