Efectos analgésicos, antiinflamatorios y desinfectantes del agua de manzanilla como vehículo del hidróxido de clacio en la medicación del conducto radicular.
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad Piloto de Odontología. Escuela de Postgrado "Dr. José Apolo Pineda".
La medicación del conducto radicular es un procedimiento endodóntico, busca
lograr una desinfección del conducto después de haberlo limado y lavado con los
irrigantes existentes en la actualidad, pero estos dos pasos se ven completado con
la medicación entre sesiones que es un procedimiento propio de la endodoncia en
dos citas pues sin lugar a duda este procedimiento resulta ser una herramienta
altamente necesaria en casos de dientes infectados y con sombra radiolúcida
visible radiográficamente. Para la medicación del conducto se han utilizado
muchos materiales pero en la actualidad se maneja de mejor manera el hidróxido
de calcio químicamente puro, más un vehículo que generalmente es la solución
salina. El propósito de este trabajo es proponer el uso del agua de manzanilla
como vehículo para el hidróxido de calcio e incorporar las virtudes de este como
su acción analgésicas y antinflamatorias. La investigación se realizó en la clínica
de endodoncia de la Escuela de Postgrado de la Facultad de Odontología de la
Universidad de Guayaquil. Se procedió a colocar la medicación en estudio a un
número de 60 pacientes los mismos que manifestaron o no dolor en su primera
cita. Después de la medicación a los 8 días regresarán para completar su
tratamiento y se evaluó mediante la historia clínica el efecto analgésico y
antiinflamatorio que hayan mostrado durante la permanencia del producto en
estudio, a más de si produjo o no tinción en la pieza dentaria tratada. Es
importante establecer que los pacientes no llevaron ningún tipo de medicación
farmacológica entre la primera y la segunda cita. El preparado de agua de
manzanilla fue cambiado cada 8 días ya que el concentrado o su actividad
decrecen con el pasar de los días. Con los resultados obtenidos elaboramos
conclusiones y recomendaciones en cuanto a su uso en odontología.
Palabras claves:
Hidróxido ce calcio– Infusión de agua de manzanilla- Solución
salina.Manifestación o no de dolor
The medication is an endodontic root canal procedure aims to achieve disinfection duct after it filed and washed with irrigating existing today, but these two steps are completed with medication between sessions is a root canal procedure itself two appointments because undoubtedly this procedure turns out to be a highly necessary tool in cases of infected teeth with radiolucent shadow visible radiographically. For medication of the conduit have been used many materials but it is now better manages the chemically pure calcium hydroxide over a vehicle which is generally saline. The purpose of this paper is to propose the use of chamomile water as a vehicle for calcium hydroxide and incorporate the virtues of this as its analgesic and anti-inflammatory action. The research was conducted in clinical endodontic of the Graduate School of the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Guayaquil. He proceeded to place the study medication to a number of 60 patients showed the same or no pain on their first date . After medication at 8 days to complete your return processing and analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect which have been shown throughout the life of the product under study was assessed by clinical history, but whether or no staining occurred in the treated tooth. It is important to establish that the patients did not take any drug medication between the first and second date. The preparation of chamomile water was changed every 8 days since the concentrate or its activity decreases with each passing day. With the results we make conclusions and recommendations for use in dentistry. Keywords: XVII CE CALCIUM HYDROXIDE - WATER INFUSION OF CHAMOMILE – SALINE PROTEST OR NO PAIN
The medication is an endodontic root canal procedure aims to achieve disinfection duct after it filed and washed with irrigating existing today, but these two steps are completed with medication between sessions is a root canal procedure itself two appointments because undoubtedly this procedure turns out to be a highly necessary tool in cases of infected teeth with radiolucent shadow visible radiographically. For medication of the conduit have been used many materials but it is now better manages the chemically pure calcium hydroxide over a vehicle which is generally saline. The purpose of this paper is to propose the use of chamomile water as a vehicle for calcium hydroxide and incorporate the virtues of this as its analgesic and anti-inflammatory action. The research was conducted in clinical endodontic of the Graduate School of the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Guayaquil. He proceeded to place the study medication to a number of 60 patients showed the same or no pain on their first date . After medication at 8 days to complete your return processing and analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect which have been shown throughout the life of the product under study was assessed by clinical history, but whether or no staining occurred in the treated tooth. It is important to establish that the patients did not take any drug medication between the first and second date. The preparation of chamomile water was changed every 8 days since the concentrate or its activity decreases with each passing day. With the results we make conclusions and recommendations for use in dentistry. Keywords: XVII CE CALCIUM HYDROXIDE - WATER INFUSION OF CHAMOMILE – SALINE PROTEST OR NO PAIN
Palabras clave