Factores que influyen en la aplicación del método enfermero del profesional de enfermería en atención a pacientes post-quirúrgicos mediatos Hospital Luis Vernaza 2015
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería
Bajo el sustento epistemológico de Peplau (1952) se buscó: Determinar los factores que influyen en la aplicación del método enfermero del profesional de enfermería a pacientes post-quirúrgicos mediatos, en el período de 4 meses. El abordaje metodológico fue cuantitativo, se hizo un estudio descriptivo, transversal y de campo, los sujetos fueron todos los profesionales de enfermería que atendían a pacientes postquirúrgicos mediatos en Área de Traumatología y San Miguel y, pacientes de las mismas áreas, en el hospital Luis Vernaza. Se aplicó encuestas, componente ético administrativo e individual. Los profesionales de enfermería están influenciados por Factores Extrínsecos: ocupan en la gestión administrativa de 4 a 6 y de 6 a 8 horas en un 44%, en cambio en el ejercicio asistencial en el mismo rango de tiempos ocupan el 22%; como Factor Intrínseco según los pacientes los licenciados raramente y nunca, se comunican en un 70%, en cambio los licenciados dicen que siempre y frecuentemente se comunican en un 78%. Al observar los cuidados desde el discurso de los pacientes se encontró que los licenciados creen que la administración de medicamentos es su única labor profesional presentándose en un 22 %, sin tener una presencia significativa en otros cuidados. Como conclusión el profesional de enfermería actualmente perdió comunicación con los pacientes, abandonó actividades que realizaba regularmente en la antigüedad, transformando así la profesión en una carrera más administrativa, y no está dentro de su planificación aproximarse al paciente, para su recuperación más pronta por la interacción de ella/el con el paciente, como lo dice Peplau.
Under the epistemological basis of Peplau (1952) it sought: To determine the factors that influence the application of professional nursing’s Nurse Method to mediate post-surgical patients, in the period of four months. The methodological approach was quantitative, descriptive, and transversal study was done, subjects were all nurses who attended to mediate postsurgical patients at area of Traumatology and San Miguel and patients of the same areas in the hospital Luis Vernaza. Surveys, administrative and individual ethical component was applied. Nurses are influenced by Extrinsic Factors: they occupy in the administration of 4-6 and 6-8 hours by 44%, while in the care out in the same time range occupy 22%; as intrinsic factors according to patients the graduates rarely and never communicate by 70% however the graduates said that they always communicate by 78%. By observing the care from the speech of patients it found that graduates believe that medication administration is his only professional work presenting 22%, without a significant presence in other care. In conclusion the professional nursing currently lost the communication with the patients and abandoned activities performed regularly in ancient times; they transforming the profession into a more administrative career and is not within planning approach the patient to fast recovery by interaction of he/ she with patient, as Peplau said.
Under the epistemological basis of Peplau (1952) it sought: To determine the factors that influence the application of professional nursing’s Nurse Method to mediate post-surgical patients, in the period of four months. The methodological approach was quantitative, descriptive, and transversal study was done, subjects were all nurses who attended to mediate postsurgical patients at area of Traumatology and San Miguel and patients of the same areas in the hospital Luis Vernaza. Surveys, administrative and individual ethical component was applied. Nurses are influenced by Extrinsic Factors: they occupy in the administration of 4-6 and 6-8 hours by 44%, while in the care out in the same time range occupy 22%; as intrinsic factors according to patients the graduates rarely and never communicate by 70% however the graduates said that they always communicate by 78%. By observing the care from the speech of patients it found that graduates believe that medication administration is his only professional work presenting 22%, without a significant presence in other care. In conclusion the professional nursing currently lost the communication with the patients and abandoned activities performed regularly in ancient times; they transforming the profession into a more administrative career and is not within planning approach the patient to fast recovery by interaction of he/ she with patient, as Peplau said.
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