Análisis de los senderos El Mate, Mono Aullador y Puerto La Flora como recursos para la propuesta de una sub ruta de aviturismo en el cantón Naranjal de la provincia del Guayas año 2014
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Comunicación Social. Carrera de Turismo y Hotelería.
Es necesario comprender que la riqueza en la avifauna en el Ecuador se presenta debido a una excepcional combinación de circunstancias climáticas, en un país que no posee mucha extensión territorial estas características hacen de este territorio una nación bendecida con una mega-diversidad en flora y fauna principalmente en aves. Junto con estos recursos se presenta el compromiso inevitable de conservarlos no solo para las generaciones presentes sino también para las futuras.
El buen manejo de este extraordinario recurso no es una tarea sencilla, a pesar de que el país ha acogido una amplia obligación en conservar la importancia de sus ecosistemas, considerando que el estado ecuatoriano en su constitución contempla los derechos que posee la naturaleza y si han planteado diferentes estrategias para la conservación de áreas ecológicas que forman parte de patrimonio natural del estado que mantiene la protección bajo diferentes categorías.
La estrategia propuestas por el gobierno de una mayor promoción y la valoración del potencial de recursos en áreas protegidas o comunales, con la injerencia de organizaciones privadas y gubernamentales que realizan estudios o simplemente operan en ecosistemas que mantienen bastante el valor natural, muchas de estas áreas son destinadas para la preservación de las aves y además de algunas otras especies endémicas o amenazadas en el Ecuador, las cuales son acogidas en cualquiera de estas reservas o áreas de conservación.
La implementación de una sub-ruta de Aviturismo bajo el análisis de tres segmentos: los senderos El Mate, Mono Aullador y Puerto la Flora de la Reserva Ecológica Manglares de Churute favorece a una integración efectiva entre las estrategias del gobierno al incentivar nuevos proyectos turísticos con el objetivo de incrementar la visita de turistas a nuevos sitios para la observación de aves, creando un escenario en el que todos los involucrados contemplan ganancias, donde se cuidarán ecosistemas, habitad y especies que ahí conviven, a establecer nuevas opciones de empleos para poblaciones y comunidades rurales, que en muchas veces sus pobladores subsisten con pocos recursos económicos lo que afecta su desarrollo social, y como hecho preponderante la conservación de los recursos naturales de la zona para las generaciones venideras.
You need to understand that wealth in avifauna in Ecuador occurs due to an exceptional combination of weather conditions in a country that does not have much land area these features make this country a nation blessed with a mega-diversity in flora and fauna mainly in birds. Along with these resources the inevitable commitment to preserve not only for the present but also for future presents. Good management of this extraordinary remedy is not an easy task, even though the country has hosted a wide obligation to preserve the importance of ecosystems, considering that the Ecuadorian state constitution provides for the rights possessed nature and whether proposed different strategies for the conservation of ecological areas that are part of the natural heritage of the state that maintains protection under different categories. The strategy proposed by the government for greater promotion and assessment of potential resources in protected or communal areas with interference from private organizations and government who study or simply operate in ecosystems that remain fairly natural value, many of these areas are intended for preservation of birds and also some other endemic or threatened species in Ecuador, which are received in any of these reserves or conservation areas. The implementation of a sub-path analysis Birding under three segments: the paths El Mate, Puerto Howler Monkey and the Flora of Mangrove Ecological Reserve Churute favors an effective integration between government strategies to encourage new tourism projects in order to increase tourist visits to new sites for bird watching, creating a scenario in which everyone involved gains contemplate where ecosystems, habitat and species that live there, to establish new employment options for people and take care rural communities, which often its inhabitants subsist on low incomes which affects their social development, and as a dominant fact conservation of natural resources in the area for generations to come.
You need to understand that wealth in avifauna in Ecuador occurs due to an exceptional combination of weather conditions in a country that does not have much land area these features make this country a nation blessed with a mega-diversity in flora and fauna mainly in birds. Along with these resources the inevitable commitment to preserve not only for the present but also for future presents. Good management of this extraordinary remedy is not an easy task, even though the country has hosted a wide obligation to preserve the importance of ecosystems, considering that the Ecuadorian state constitution provides for the rights possessed nature and whether proposed different strategies for the conservation of ecological areas that are part of the natural heritage of the state that maintains protection under different categories. The strategy proposed by the government for greater promotion and assessment of potential resources in protected or communal areas with interference from private organizations and government who study or simply operate in ecosystems that remain fairly natural value, many of these areas are intended for preservation of birds and also some other endemic or threatened species in Ecuador, which are received in any of these reserves or conservation areas. The implementation of a sub-path analysis Birding under three segments: the paths El Mate, Puerto Howler Monkey and the Flora of Mangrove Ecological Reserve Churute favors an effective integration between government strategies to encourage new tourism projects in order to increase tourist visits to new sites for bird watching, creating a scenario in which everyone involved gains contemplate where ecosystems, habitat and species that live there, to establish new employment options for people and take care rural communities, which often its inhabitants subsist on low incomes which affects their social development, and as a dominant fact conservation of natural resources in the area for generations to come.
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